Chapter Three: M.E.C.H.

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Starscream and I had been talking for hours and walking non-stop. It was nightfall by the time I asked if we could stop and rest for a while. He was almost reluctant to but agreed to let me rest. We sat down where we were and I took out some food to eat. But I was very alert. Being out in the wild isn't very safe for me. I have some scars to prove it. I ate something small so I could save the rest before getting comfortable on the ground to fall asleep. I used my hand and arm as a pillow, curled up as much as I could to keep warm, and attempted to get some sleep.

Sleeping on the floor has never been a bother for me, it's just the sounds around me that make me a bit jumpy. I did manage to get some sleep until Starscream woke me saying we had to keep going. I was still half-awake so I did not want to walk right now. I think Starscream saw that and suggested a faster way to travel. He suddenly picked me up and transformed around me! He flew off with me very much freaking out!

"Calm down. I can turn into a bot and a jet. It's what my kind do," Starscream said

"So, you could be a car too?" I asked

Starscream scoffed, "Oh please, I'm not a Triple-Changer. And I would never want to be an Automobile. I prefer being in the air than on the ground."

"What's a Triple-Changer?"

"Back on Cybertron, Triple-Changers could have three forms. Bot, vehicle, and anything else they wanted. I once knew a few during the war. But I haven't seen them in years."

As we flew on and talked, Starscream detected something. A strange signal. Starscream decided to have a look. So, more flying. I don't know where we were but it was dark here. Starscream transformed once we arrived at the location and put me down. We were on a cliff so we looked down to see what was happening. A bot that was a little bulkier than Starscream was being operated on by humans. Starscream revealed the bot's name to be Bumblebee.

I asked why Starscream wasn't helping Bumblebee to which he replied that the two weren't on the same side. That makes sense. We watched the humans take something out of Bumblebee and left in a helicopter. I don't know what Starscream was thinking but he thought it was a good idea to follow them. I didn't argue and just followed. He transformed again and started to follow the humans, keeping a safe distance. We arrived a few hours later at some kind of military base. At least it looked like one.

They all went inside while Starscream and I stayed outside to see what was going on. Inside was all the humans, a few computers, the helicopter they left in, a robot that was missing a few parts, and the thing that they stole from Bumblebee. I asked Starscream what it was because I forgot to. Starscream explained that it's the organ in a Cybertonion that helps them scan vehicles, transform, and access their built-in weapons. It's called a T-Cog.

So they want to make their own transforming robot. What gave them that idea? We watched as a mechanical arm put the T-Cog into the half-built robot. One human, who I could only assume was their leader, ordered one of the others to try a beta test on the robot. Okay so, like all other robots on Earth, this one will be mindless, unlike Starscream who is very much sentient. I'd love to see how this works out. The soldier did as he was told and the robot powered up, making most of it glow blue.

The first part of their test was complete. Time to scan a vehicle mode. Its eyes shot some kind of beam out of them and scanned the helicopter. When they tried to transform the robot after it had completed the scan, however, it wouldn't transform. It wouldn't even try. It got to the point that it just turned itself off. Starscream laughed a little at the failed experiment. That caught the attention of the leader who looked over to us. Starscream opened the doors to let us both in.

"You are the ones who turned poor Breakdown into a pitiful science experiment?" Starscream asked pushing the helicopter propellers out of the way, "Didn't learn much from the experience, did you?"

Red lasers suddenly pointed at both of us! We looked around to see the soldiers pointing guns at both of us. This wasn't the kind of day I had in mind.

"Enough to know where the soft spots are... Decepticon," the human said.

"Oh, please. I am no longer affiliated with that entity," Starscream said, "Besides, if I were here to avenge the big lug, you would be screaming for mercy by now and I wouldn't have allowed (Y/N) to follow me in here. She's not very comfortable with guns."

"Why are you two here?"

"To propose an alliance. You see, we have much more in common than you might think. And I am not merely referring to our battle scars," Starscream showed off the scar on his cheek

"What could I possibly gain from such an arrangement?"

"Insider knowledge."

The human and Starscream just looked at each other. The human put his hand up, telling his men to stand down. I'm still not feeling very safe here. 

"Wise choice," Starscream said before walking over to the robot, "Now, a T-Cog isn't technology. It is biology. Which means it will reject any power source other than Energon."

"Go on," the human urged

"Energon is the fuel, the ammunition, and the lifeblood of all Cybertronians... whatever their affiliation. You and I both want it, and currently, I lack the means of locating it. I don't even have any for (Y/N) to track down at the moment. But once I supply you with the..." Starscream cut his finger to reveal some blue blood, "...particulars of its chemical makeup..."

Starscream put whatever was on his finger into the core of the robot. That seemed to power it back up properly. 

"...we can utilize your considerable resources to devise a means of detecting new deposits for us to share," Starscream continued

"If the supply meets M.E.C.H.'s rather significant demand," The human said

"Ah. Intending to build an army, are you?" the human stayed quiet "I am no stranger to ambition."

I pulled my hood a little further over my head. I've only just met this human but you can practically smell crazy on him. And I don't want to know what would happen to me if he found out what I was.

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