Ch. 1

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The young black-haired boy slumped down on his chair, his graded math test in one hand. A big red F plastered across it. Waves of worry flooded his brain as he knew his mother would be upset. But in his defense algebra was extremely difficult, but he knew that was just an excuse that his mother would not accept so he discarded the thought immediately.

"What are you doing?" A tall slim figure appeared in front of the boy suddenly. Namjoon.

"I failed another test. My mom told me I could not fail another test, or I would lose privileges for the summer." Spoke the boy with what seemed like a tremble, so faint as if saying it louder would make it more real than it already was.

"We still have a few more tests before summer, just tell your mom you'll do well in those."

"Namjoon, it doesn't matter what I say, I will still come home with an F and get disciplined. It's not worth it, I should just give up now..."

"No reason to give up, you still have time to study." The boy's friend assured optimistically.

"I've been studying, it is useless!" The younger exclaimed with a growing temper now. "There's nothing I can do..." the boy said with a change of tone, this time softer.

The older thought for a moment, "I mean, you haven't tried everything... there must be something..." he let his unfinished thought linger in the air for a moment before finishing, "maybe, all you need is some luck."

The younger looked at him, mouth agape, "are you serious? I thought you were going to say something useful. Where am I supposed to get luck from huh? It is not something I can just go purchase at the convenience store. Aish, you're so ridiculous." The boy got up now, ready to go home and face his fate, but before he could do so he was stopped by the elders words.

"I mean, who said you can't just get luck. Maybe not the convenience store but you can try the forest..." Once again, the older boy let his words linger in the air but the younger already knew what the older was implying but he let him finish, "What about luck from a fairy?"

"The forest? A fairy? Are you listening to yourself, you know humans, especially young ones aren't allowed at fairies groves, it can be dangerous."

"That is just propaganda that the older people say to push an agenda, plus, no one will know..."

"Whatever, I'm going home." The black-haired boy walked away towards his fate, one that he had a mistaken idea about. As he walked towards his cottage style house, he could not get Namjoons words out of his head. The words lingered, as if they were whispering to him, urging him to pursue the magical luck the older mentioned. He shook his head though trying to get such thoughts out of his mind.

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