Ch. 2

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Jungkook sat on his bed, Namjoons words repeating in his head. Desperate about a passing grade he got up and started making his way towards the forest near his neighborhood. Heart beating faster with every step, "I'm not doing anything wrong" he kept assuring himself. He was not doing anything wrong, but the propaganda against fairies still came to his mind, but he would attempt to dismiss it with Namjoons words, Namjoon is intelligent, he gets every answer on an exam right so surely, he is right about this too the young boy thought to himself.

The young doe eyed boy found himself in the middle of the forest, surrounded by sparkly trees and blooming pastel-colored flowers. The grove glistened, due to the spring rain that had fallen earlier the boy assumed.

He tugged at his sleeves creating sweater paws, he should leave he thought. That thought seemed to please him as he was about to turn until a small voice stopped him on his tracks.

"Are you lost?" Jungkook looked down at the source of the voice, a fairy. The boy had never seen one in real life, he was dazed at the sight. The fairy was so delicate, wearing silk clothes that radiated elegance, complimenting his soft smooth skin. Jungkook had never seen such a beautiful being, he thought, instantly realizing what he was thinking he began to blush furiously, looking away from the pretty fairy.

"I am looking for...luck" the human whispered, so quietly it surprised him that the fairy was even able to understand him. Said fairy tilted his head at the words, puzzled by the humans shy personality.

"Are you a human? You are incredibly quiet for a human." The fairy blabbed causing the boy to blush even more. "You are very red you know, are you okay?" The young boy let out a cough, flustered at the fairy's straightforward personality.

"Sorry..." the human stammered.

"No need to be sorry human, quiet is good. I hate loud sounds so quiet can be nice." The fairy assured and Jungkooks lips lifted at the ends at the fairys words, he thought the fairy was funny to say such a thing considering the fairy had been talking nonstop since they met. But Jungkook did not mind. He did not know the fairy very well, but they seemed sweet, and their angelic voice even sweeter. Jungkooks thoughts came to a halt, he was puzzled at his own thoughts but before he could ponder them more, he was being interrupted yet again.

"So human, what's your name?" the fairy asked, eyes round pupils growing as he waited for an answer from the quiet boy.

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." the human stated in a louder whisper than before. His answer came in a rush, as if he were wasting time, this caused the other to raise an eyebrow.

"I'm Taehyung, are you in a hurry, Jeon Jungkook?" the fairy asked, head tilted.

"No! Actually yes- I am looking for luck." The doe eyed boy faltered over his words; the fairy only smiled at his behavior.

"Luck? As in magic luck? Why?" the fairy asked, curious.

Jungkook explained everything to Taehyung. The situation became clear to the fairy, but he gulped not wanting to disappoint the other. Because although the humans friend, that he came to know was named Namjoon was right about fairies carrying a magical form of luck. He unfortunately left out that it was not entirely easy to pass said luck to others. So, Taehyung with hesitation in his voice said, "You see I can give you luck, but it is not easy..." the once loud fairy spoke in a softer tone now.

"Oh" Jungkook simply said, and this caused the fairy to have a bitter taste in his mouth. He did not want to disappoint the human, and he felt terrible about being the reason behind the disappointed expression on Jungkooks face.

"Please don't be sad Jungkook! I am sorry it is just... I don't think you'd want to go through the process, it is quite difficult-" the fairy was interrupted by Jungkooks quick response.

"I will do anything! Please!" the desperate human insisted causing the fairys eyes to grow wide. This was the loudest the doe eyed boy had ever spoken, the fairy thought.

"Jungkook, I don't think you understand. To get luck from a fairy you must..."

"What is it? I'll do it" the boy insisted unknowingly.

"A kiss! We have to kiss!" Taehyung let out; eyes closed, nervous at the humans reaction.

Jungkooks mouth was agape, he was stunned at Taehyungs words. As the words of the fairy settled on his brain, he began to turn a bright red, not being able to look at the fairy.

"Sorry. I did not mean to say it so loudly. But it is true. The only way to pass luck onto another is through a fairy kiss." The fairy added, blushing a pretty pink.

Jungkook stayed quiet, looking straight at Taehyung, speechless. He could not believe what he was about to say next, but in a moment of hastiness and perhaps something more he said, "Can we kiss?"

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