Ch. 10

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"I'm so sorry Taehyung-" Jungkook began to sob, "I am so sorry I didn't tell you. I was going to stop I swear but then I didn't, and I told Namjoon, and I told him I was going to tell you the truth, but I was so scared and then we kept kissing and I was so happy, and I just didn't stop, I am so sorry please forgive me Taehyung- P-please forgive me" Jungkook continued to plead with tears falling from his eyes.

The fairy was stunned at Jungkooks sobbing, he did not want to hurt the other, that is the last thing he would want to do to the one he loved, but he also needed answers.

"Why did you keep kissing me, Jungkook?"

Jungkook looked up, hands no longer hiding his face, eyes full of tears and with glassy eyes he spoke, "Taehyung... I think- no I know I like you"

Taehyung was speechless.

Taehyungs thoughts ran wild, he could not grasp the fact that this whole time Jungkook had feelings for him as well. He was in utter shock, so much so that he forgot to reply to the crying boy right in front of him.

"I am so sorry- please I am so sorry. I understand if you don't want to see me. I swear I did not mean to catch feelings; you are just so perfect. I thought it was fine to just admire you, I thought it was just what friends do. But then I started to wonder how it would feel to be with you, have your lips touching mine not only for some good luck on tests. But the only reason you would kiss me was for tests, so I kept going, keeping the truth from you." Jungkook hiccupped, "I'm sorry Taehyung."

Tears built up in Taehyungs eyes at the confession. He had always hoped for his feelings to be reciprocated, and now Jungkook stated exactly how he felt, and it was all Taehyung had ever wanted.

"I'm sorry Taehyung, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Jungkook continued which caught Taehyungs attention, bringing him back from his thoughts into reality.

"Kookie..." Taehyung started, "I-I like you too."

Jungkooks sobs slowed as he processed what Taehyung had just said. Hiccupping, as he thought over the boys words. His eyes grew wide, as the confession settled in his brain.

"R-really?" Jungkook asked, hesitant.

Taehyung looked at the boys tear-stained face, his heart softened at the sight.

He nodded, "Really."

Jungkook was frozen, still in shock that the beautiful fairy had feelings for him.

"M-more than a friend?" Jungkook asked, still hesitant at the idea that the fairy liked him as much as he did.

Taehyung smiled, the boy who was once sobbing just mere minutes ago now had wide eyes, filled with hope and fear. The eyes which he fell for, the round eyes that always clearly expressed every emotion that the boy was feeling.

"Jungkook, I love you. I like you more than as a friend. I like you so much that I cant stop thinking about you. Seriously, everything I do makes me think of you. Even when there is nothing to remind me of you, I still manage to somehow think of you. I take care of the garden and think, wow this flower is as pretty as Jungkook- no Jungkook is even prettier. I talk to my friends, and they laugh at me saying I cannot stop mentioning you. Even before I fall asleep I tell the moon about how pretty you are!" Taehyung blushes at the confession, as he realizes what he blurted out.

Jungkook turns all shades of pink, baffled at the fairys words.

"Kookie, I really like you"

"I really like you too"

"Then- then could we be more than friends?"

"Yes!" Jungkook blurted out, ears turning red.

Taehyung giggled, finding Jungkooks habit of blurting words out when he was both excited and nervous endearing.

"Okay good."

Jungkook felt relieved, he was so happy that they were on good terms. Not only that but they were now boyfriends. Things could not have turned out better for them.

"Hey Kookie," Jungkook looked at Taehyung at the call of his name, "Want to kiss? You know, not for a test?" The fairy smirked.

Jungkook blushed at the question as he nodded silently, no words just a happy smile as confirmation.

They stepped forward, getting closer to each other. Taehyung smiled, wrapping his arms around Jungkooks neck, giddy feeling appearing just like it did the first time they kissed. Licking his lips, just like he did every time prior to a kiss, which Jungkook melted over, loving the way Taehyungs lips looked, all wet, ready to feel them against his own. Jungkook leaned in closer, holding the fairys waist, not wanting to ever let go, feeling warm at the fact that Taehyungs tiny waist fits perfectly in his grasp. The fairy loved the humans hands on his hips, feeling so protected, so safe in his touch. He had never felt like this before, but he was really happy, ecstatic, knowing he could share these intimate moments with Jungkook.

They looked in each others eyes, admiring one another, and in a moment of pure love, they leaned in fully. This time, their kiss was more than a mere peck. It was filled with so much desire that had been ignored for so long. The craving, hunger for one anothers lips fueling them to keep going until they were both breathless.

They pulled back, out of breath, Taehyung grinning from ear to ear. And Jungkook looked at him, his whole being, appreciating everything about the boy. And at that moment, he realized he had been lucky the whole time. He had always been lucky, because if he had not been then Namjoon would not have told him about fairy luck. If he had not been lucky, he would not have made the decision to walk into the forest. If he had not been as lucky as he was, he would not have kissed the fairy that day.

He was so lucky because Taehyung, the most beautiful fairy, was his boyfriend. And at the thought of that, he grinned before leaning back in. Kissing the fairy once more.


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