Chapter 11:- The Kiss!

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Aphmau's P.O.V.
"Fair Verona, where we lay our scene from ancient grudge break to new mutiny or civil blood & make civil hands unclean from forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star crossed lovers take their life." Travis said his line then leaves the stage.
The curtains close then Dante, Zane & a bunch of students in armour get on stage...Irene, I barely even focused! Today I'm more nervous than EVEEEER! The curtains open again.

"Stop this quarrel. Do you not know what you do?" Dante said after pulling out his sword.
"They know of what they do. All right." Zane said getting closer with his sword to Dante face.
"Tybalt, put up your sword or manage it to stop this quarrel with me!"
"What's this? Your sword is drawn & you talk of peace. I hate the very word! as I hate all Montague's! Have at thee!" Zane yelled as he charged at Dante, but before him doing anything the curtains closed.
Of course, Zane stopped in his tracks after the curtain closed!

:*:*  Magical Timeskip  *:*:

Garroth, Zane & Laurance get on stage & just then the curtains opened. "Gentlemen, good den: a word with one of you. Thou consort'st with Romeo-"
Zane starts but was interrupted by Garroth, "Consort! what, dost thou make us minstrels? an thou make minstrels of us, look to hear nothing but discords: here's my fiddlestick; here's that shall make you dance. 'Zounds, consort!"
Zane then replies, "Well, peace be with you, sir: here comes my man. Romeo, the hate I bear thee can afford. No better term than this- thou art a villain."

Garroth rages, "O Tybalt, you rat-catcher, will you walk?"
"What wouldst thou have with me?" -Zane.
"Gentle Mercury, put thy rapier up." Laurance say trying to calm Garroth down.
"Come, sir, your passado!" Garroth says pulling out his sword & Zane does the same! They then start fighting! Zane kills Garroth! Laurance gets mad at Zane, charging at him & kills him! The curtains then close to show then the next act.

:*:*  Magical Timeskip  *:*:

Katelyn's P.O.V.
The ladies & I are in the changing room
Ok, Here it is! The big moment! It's going to turn out great! "Katelyn, Don't worry & don't stress out! It's going to be great!" Aphmau said with stress in her eyes!
"I'm not-"
"See! You're Worrying! DON'T STRESS OUT!" Irene, she looks so stressed!
"Look, I'm not-"
"I'M NOT FEAKING STRESSED OUT!!!" Kiki sees & hears the screams & comes over to us standing in front of Aph!
"Aphmau, Calm down! You're stressed out & now you're stressing her out!" She is right, I'M NOW STRESSED OUT! WE'RE NOT GOING TO GET THE 2 DAYS OFF! THE PLAY IS GOING TO TURN OUT AWFUL!!!

"Katelyn, we ha-" Emmalyn starts coming over to me, but she sees the impression on my face
"Katelyn! Come on! We've been practicing for practically ages! Come on, don't worry!"
"Guys! Shut up you're making her worry like this!" Nicole said as she went closer to me!
"DON'T SAY WORRY OR STRESSED. EVER. IN YOUR LIFE. EVER. AGAIN!!!" I exploded & marched away so I don't punch them in the face!

Aphmau's P.O.V.
Why am I so stressed about this! Now I made Katelyn stressed & angry!
"What the Nether happened here!? I've heard a lot of shouting & screaming! Not to mention that Tractor Katelyn almost stomped on me!" Laurance said as he came in the room!
Please don't blush! Please don't blush! Please don't blush! Please don't blush! Please. Don't. Blush!!!...Welp! Wrong timing! I can already feel my face burning up so I look away!
"No need to worry about it Laurance!" Nicole said as she stood in front of me facing Laurance who's at the frame of the door!
"Thanks Nico!" I whisper to her quietly
"Anyways, umm...y-y-yeah! Th-th-the play! We- I mean Us h-have to ge-get to stage! Heha ha ha!" I looked at him for a second & saw that he was blushing as well!
(What is today? I tell myself looking at the calendar, Nope! Today isn't red face day! If that even is a thing!)

This is it! Katelyn almost made me fall on my face making me run in an extra long dress! I lay down on the...whatever that thing is & just then, Luci casted a spell that made it look like I was 'dead', even though I wasn't even asleep!
The curtains start to open & Laur- Romeo starts ambling to me slowly, he then stands by my side,
"O my beloved, my wife, Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty. Thou art not conquered; beauty's ensign yet. Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, And death's pale flag is not advanced there." He gets the 'poison' bottle out. "Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on the dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark! Here's to my love!" Then, Laur- I mean Romeo, drinks the 'poison' & lays next to me!

Don't Blush! You'll ruin the play!

I'm trying here!

I glimmer like I just woke up, I look at Laurance, he acts so well! I stand up & sit quickly next to him, "No, my beloved! Why did you do it?! Why did you leave without me? What's Here? A cup? Closed in mine true loves hand. Poison I see, had been his timeless end! oh, cruel! Drank all & left not a friendly drop. I will kiss my lips. happily some poison, yet thought, hang on them..." I got closer to Laurance's face, my heart was beating faster! Just then, in the corner of my eye, I see smoke coming from the Cafeteria's kitchen! "FIREEEEEEEEE!!!" I heard Travis yell from in there!

Haha! Now that's what I call a proper cliffhanger!
~ Milly!

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