Chapter 7: A Choice

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The rest of the day went by quickly. It was now time for me to head home. As I was leaving, TK ran up to me, stopping me at the front desk.
  "You get off at this time too?" TK asked, seemingly shocked.
  "Well, no. But I had already visited all my patient's and gave them all their medications. And I had requested to get off work early this day since my parents are in town. I'm now headed to the down town diner to meet them for supper." I explained.
  "Oh ok. I see. I was gonna ask if you'd wanna hang out, but if you're busy I understand." TK said.
  "Yeah, sorry about that. But I'll see you tomorrow, right?" I asked.
  "Probably not. I have the night shift tomorrow, so I'll probably sleep all day. Sorry." They said.
  "No no it's fine. Just wondering. But I better go, TK. Cya bud!" I said, waving as I exited the building.
They waved back, smiling softly. I just chuckled. I obviously knew they had a crush on me. It was clear as day. But... I just don't really feel the same at the moment. There are some things about TK that kinda also make me think dating would be a bad idea. But anyways, back to the big question. Do I take Professor Williams offer or no? I mean, it's not like I really need a raise but it'd be nice. Plus, this patient really needs a new doctor and soon. Who knows. Maybe I can ask my parents what they think? After getting to the diner, I walked in.
  "There she is. How are you, kiddo?" My dad asked, waving me over.
I sat down in the booth, across from my parents.
  "Great. How are you 2?" I asked.
  "Wonderful, dear. So, how's work?" My mom asked, smiling.
  "Fun as usual. Though... My boss gave me a new offer but I need your guys opinion." I said.
  "And what is this offer?" My dad asked.
  "So recently a red zones patient needs a new doctor. Professor Williams said he'd give me a raise. The only problem is that the patient is a red zones, which I haven't trained in, and he is very dangerous." I explained.
My parents seemed shocked.
  "Oh my." My mother muttered.
  "How dangerous exactly?" My father asked.
  "Well... He stabbed his last doctor... Who quit." I mumbled.
  "Oh no no no! You can't put your life on the line like that, dear." My mother said, frantically.
  "Honey, you do realize Y/N is an adult. Yes, it is dangerous, but if she's getting a raise and really wants that, I say it's her choice. Plus I'm sure they'll have tons of security there watching over our daughter." My father explained.
  "But she could be killed! Working with literal psychos is not a joke." My mother said.
  "Mom. It's ok. I understand you though. I'm a little scared to say yes as well." I said.
  "Then don't take the offer, Y/N." My mom said.
  "But... Professor Williams really needs help with this. And a raise does sound nice." I whispered.
  "Then you make the choice, dear. We support you in your decisions. But if anything too sketchy happens, I'd quit before you get hurt. Or at least stop caring for that patient." My father explained.
He had a point. I smiled and nodded.
  "Now, let's eat. I'm starved." I said, holding up the menu.
I looked it over. My parents began to ramble on about their vacation to Hawaii awhile back and how they wish I would have came too. I would have, but I'd rather work, to be honest. They were planning a vacation for this fall. They planned on booking a cruise In the carribeans as a semi-late birthday gift for me. So I was for sure looking forward to that as long as Professor Williams didn't mind me taking 14 days off. Which I bet he wouldn't mind.

Don/Professor Williams POV

I sat in my office, doing paperwork like usual. Just then there was a knock on my door.
  "Come in." I said, glancing up.
Doctor Ericsson walked in, holding a file.
  "We finally managed to get Y/N's file back for you. Luckily nothing was ripped or torn. But we had to sacrifice the picture to 1104XX. I'm shocked at how aggressive he got. It's so strange. Y/N and him have never came in contact before so why is he so interested?" Doctor Ericsson explained, setting the file on my desk.
  "It all makes no sense. Maybe it's a new obsessive behavior that was triggered somehow?" I muttered, grabbing the file and standing up.
I walked over to my filing cabinet and put it in it.
  "Maybe. Have you talked to Y/N yet?" Doctor Ericsson asked.
I nodded.
  "I offered her the position of becoming 1104XX's new doctor. She said she'd think about it, though." I said.
  "Wait wait wait. Has Y/N ever even trained with red zones patient's?" Ericsson said, panicked.
I shook my head.
  "You know how dangerous that could be? What if 1104XX hurts, or even kills her?" Doctor Ericsson asked.
  "I know what I'm doing, Doctor. And 1104XX so far hasn't shown any type of form of wanting to harm Y/N. And I know damn well to take precautions." I explained.
  "Yes, but what if he does? This is all new behavior from him. He's always been unpredictable when these type of things happen." Doctor Ericsson said.
  "I know." I said.
I heard Doctor Ericsson sigh.
  "Ok, Professor. I better be on my way. Have a good rest of your day." Doctor Ericsson said.
He exited my office. I sat back down, continuing to work on things.

(972 words)

Peter/YB X Female Reader // Insane Love // DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now