Through the Dark

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I flip to the next page to see Chase's tour schedule and scan it to see where he's going next. New York City.
"I... I have to go to the airport," I look up and meet Gwen's eyes, "I have to go to the airport and fly to New York."
"Are you even sure you want to do this?" She asks.
"Are you serious right now?? You were badgering me to contact him and now that I want to you're acting like this?"
"Y/n that's all the way on the other side of the country. How are you even going to get a plane ticket?"
"I have a credit card for emergencies. I just need to get there, Gwen. What if I screwed things up and he thinks I hate him?"
"Okay," she sighs. "Go pack, I'll take you to the airport when you're ready."


"Thank you for the ride," I say, quickly getting out Gwen's car and grabbing my backpack out of the backseat.
"Are you sure you don't want me to wait? They might not have any flights going to NYC for a while."
I shake my head, "I'm sure. I'll wait for however long it takes."
"Okay," a small smile plays on her lips, "go get your boy."
"I will," I nod. "At least I hope I will. Promise me you won't tell him anything. I need it to be a surprise."
"My lips are sealed."
"Thank you again, Gwen. I wouldn't be here without you."
She waves her hand, "save the sappy stuff for Chase."
I laugh before turning away to walk into the airport, pausing only to wave at her over my shoulder before walking through the doors.
I walk through the airport, my backpack bouncing in between my shoulders with each step I take. Finding the ticket counter wasn't hard, the long line gave it away.
The line is filled with excited chatter about going to new destinations and different plans for each city someone was going to, but it was impossible to keep track of any one conversation for longer than a few seconds. Some were going to Florida, others to Colorado, and so on, but not many mentioned New York.
The closer I get to the front of the line, the more eager I get. By the time I get called on, I'm bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet.
"How can I help you?" The worker asks.
"Um, I need to buy a ticket to New York City?" I ask her, slightly unsure. I've never bought an airplane ticket before.
"Okay, so JFK airport?" She confirms, typing something on the computer in front of her.
"Yeah," I nod, although I have no idea what other airport I could go to.
"We don't have any flights until... eleven, but you wouldn't get there until midnight because of a layover. Is that okay?" She looks from the computer monitor to me.
I sigh, "is there anything that could get me there sooner? It's kind of an emergency." The kind of emergency that you only see in cliché romance movies, I think to myself.
She scrolls a little further and says, "I have one that can get you there by ten pm, but it doesn't board until four pm."
"Yes! That'll work," I say, pulling my wallet out.
"Okay, that'll be one hundred dollars for a one way ticket," she smiles at me.
I hand her the credit card, trying not to overthink the cost. If it works out how I want it to, it'll be worth it. It has to be.
It takes a few moments for the transaction to go through, but when it does she prints off my plane ticket and I'm on my way. Sitting in the airport for over twelve hours was not going to be fun.

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