(20) Falling For The First Time

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A week later,

"Aurielle I would like to take you on a actual date." Bucky said as they cuddled on the couch. 

"I would like that." She said as they kissed.

Two days later, Bucky rentex L'Appart Restaurant for them, it was filled with roses and slow music playing. They ate a full course meal and dessert they were able to slow dance for a bit as well. 

"Aurielle, I..I would like for you to be my girl?" He whispered as they slow danced. 

"I would love to be your girl." She whispered.

After they returnd home, they cuddled up on the couch made out while Netflix played. 

A few weeks after, Bucky meet his parents for lunch. 

"I changed my mind." Bucky said 

"About lunch?" Winnie said 

"No about love, marriage and babies." He said 

"What brought this on?" James said 

"Aurielle, Im falling in love with her." He said 

"Oh I love her, and she seems to make you happy. She even got you to stop sleeping around." Winnie said 

"She's great son. Have you told her?" James said 

"No, thats why I called you.' Bucky said 

Both of them began to give him advice. 

Meanwhile, Aurielle was having a similar conversation with her friends. 

"So Mr Sexy has broken the focused virgin." Valentina said 

"Stop it." Aurielle said as she threw a fry at her. 

"Ooo get it girl! I bet Mr Sexy is incredible in bed." Aliyah said 

The whole table was filled with giggles, "Just tell him how you feel Auri." Akira said once they all settled down. 

They all give her advice. 

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