Wedding sex

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I think it's safe to say that as a child I was always fascinated by the idea of weddings. The reception, the bouquet, even the bridesmaid's dress colors and a million other things to look forward to. But after experiencing my own wedding the only thing I really wanted to do was get out of this damned dress. My feet were killing me, it still felt like I couldn't breathe in my corset and as the day went on the only thing I looked forward to was finally falling asleep.

Okay, and maybe a little time with my dashing and amazing husband, whose arms were encircling around me as I stood on the balcony of the amazing beach house my new in-laws loaned us for our honeymoon.

"You're getting cold, Mrs. Bieber."

His voice was low and I sighed in content once his mouth pressed ever-so-gently against the side of my neck, leaving goose bumps as his lips traveled to the exposed skin of my shoulder.

"Hmm...not anymore," I mumbled incoherently before turning in his arms and staring into the warm, honey brown eyes that belonged to my husband. Wrapping my arms around his neck I stood on the tips of my toes, planting a sweet kiss to his lips. Once I pulled away the smile on my face couldn't refrain from breaking free and stretching until my cheeks hurt.

"What?" Justin laughed lightly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

Shaking my head I giggled and stared down at my feet before meeting his gaze again.

"You're officially mine." I whispered, "All mine."

Justin's eyes danced in excitement as he smiled lazily and cupped the side of my face. Wrapping his other hand around my waist he pulled me against him, brushing his nose against mine.

"All yours." he agreed.

Tangling his fingers in my hair, he leaned down and planted his lips on mine, his tongue instantly entering my mouth and causing me to moan. Suddenly I was swept off of my feet and carried bridal style into our bedroom, erupting in a fit of giggles as Justin walked towards the bed and placed me on the floor.

"As much as I love you in this dress I've really been looking forward to getting you out of it." he whispered sexily in my ear before pulling the lobe between his teeth, causing me to hiss. "Turn around, baby."

Obliging quickly, I felt his hands travel up the side of my body before settling on the zipper of my dress, slowly pulling it down and kissing the exposed skin. I sighed once it hit the floor, pooling around my feet.

Justin's eyes widened the minute I turned back to face him, giving me a full once-over before his gaze met back with mine. His arms instantly circled around me and placed me on the bed, a sexy smile adorning his lips as he trailed them down my neck, sucking and biting ever so gently.

"You are so beautiful Y/N ," he murmured between kisses, my whimpers becoming insistent, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby." I breathed. Jesus, the things this man can do with his tongue.

I fiddled with the buttons of his shirt, clumsily undoing each until his sculpted chest came to view. Leaning up, I kissed each of his tattoos, starting with the two placed on either side of his collarbone followed by the cross on his sternum. He groaned as my tongue met with his heated skin, leaving open-mouthed kisses around his left shoulder until he gently pulled my hair, making me look up at him before smashing his lips against mine once more.

Justin remained kissing me as he undid the straps of my corset until it eventually fell open, leaving my chest bare to his greedy eyes. He pulled away from me slightly, the two of us breathless as he rubbed the tip of his nose against the bridge of mine.
Without breaking eye contact, Justin's hands slowly traveled down my body, fondling and caressing my skin on their journey south until he reached the rim of the piece of lace that covered what officially belonged to my husband. My breathing altered as he ran a finger down my slit through my underwear, his eyes darkening as I whimpered and writhed to his touch.
He continued the slow torture of touching me without actually touching me until I was a bundle of raging hormones underneath him.

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