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Y/n pulled down her sleeves covering up her mutilated arms. The scars lined up perfectly on her forearm, each a reminder of how many times she stayed awake at night contemplating why she was still here. Now, a fresh set of red outlines was displayed across her skin, lined up neatly; making her feel like she had some kind of control over the things going on around her.
She stepped outside, the humid air engulfing her and swelling around her body, as if mocking her. Justin was standing outside her house like he usually did every morning before school. He was propped up against the car door, one hand on the roof and the other scrolling through his phone. His jeans were heavily slouched on his waist and his shirt ripped at the sleeves, revealing his tan, toned arms.
Y/n walked up behind him, wrapping her hands surreptitiously around his waist, catching him by surprise. He turned around smiling, placed his phone in his pocket and gripped her on either side of the face before planting a soft, warm kiss upon her lips.
"Morning beautiful", Justin looked into her dark brown eyes, examining her every feature. Y/n wasn't the average "hot" girl, in fact, she was quite unique. Her nose was too small for her rounded face, her eyes always seemed to squint too much when she smiled, she was the color of milk chocolate, her hair sometimes had a mind of its own, and she didn't have the stick figure body that every girl seemed to crave she had what most would call a curvy body . But looking at her, Justin didn't see any negative things; all he saw was a beautiful curvy girl standing before him. He honestly believed that she was perfect; he didn't need all of the things that a perfect girl was "supposed" to have.
"Aren't you hot?" Justin question, motioning to her long sleeves. He reached forward and grabbed the ends. His fingers grazed against the freshly made wounds causing her to wince in pain. Y/n shook it off hoping he didn't notice; but he did. Justin's smiled faded, and his eyes lost the glow they held before as he looked down at his seemingly perfect girlfriend.
He knew she struggled and he tried so hard to prove to her that she didn't need to be like every other girl. He finally got her to start eating normally last month; he thought she was better.
"Come here", Justin wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her deep into his chest and nuzzling his face into her soft hair. Y/n instantly pulled away, pushing his chest with her hands. She shook her head in disappointment and looked up at her boyfriend not sure of what to say. She saw the hurt in his eyes but she never meant for him to know.
"Lets just go to school" Y/n walked around the car, not even waiting for Justin to open the door for her.
Justin hesitated, then gripped the handle of his own door and swung it open. He shut the door softly, looking over at Y/n, already seated and ready to leave. He opened his mouth to talk but decided against it, seeing the water form at the tips of her eyes.
The car ride was silent, both thinking about what had happened. Justin took an unexpected left, onto his street instead of driving in the direction of the school.
"Justin...?" she trailed off, glancing over at him.
He ignored her and continued down his road, finally pulling into his driveway and stepping out. Justin walked around the front and opened Y/n's door, motioning her to come out. She looked up at him a little shocked at first but then obeyed.
Justin grabbed her hand making sure not to touch the tender spots along her arm. He still kept his eyes in front of him not even peeking in Y/n's direction. She followed him into the house and into his room, not saying a word.
He opened the door and picked her up bridal style. He turned his head looking her in the eyes, she saw the pain his were radiating and she instantly felt guilty.
He slowly walked her over to the bed, his eyes locked on hers. He placed her back down on the covers and slid his arms out from underneath her. Then, Justin bent down on his knees rummaging around under the bed.
"Take off your clothes baby" Justin spoke as if he already knew the answer, no. She never voluntarily showed her body and she intended to keep it that way.
He wasn't surprised by her communal answer, so he stood up holding a pair of cloth ties in his left hand.Y/n stared at him wide-eyed unsteady of his next move. Justin placed the ties on the side on the bed and climbed on top of her.
He brushed his tender lips over her skin, soothing her. He pressed his fingers on the base of her hips, curling them around the hem of her shirt. Slowly, he began inching it off, distracting her with his tongue, doing circles inside her mouth. He pressed his tongue with hers, devouring her mouth into his.
Finally breaking free from the kiss, Justin pulled the shirt off her head and tossed it to the floor. He then bent down and latched his lips onto hers once again; this time releasing her bra without breaking the embrace. Once she was fully exposed from the waist up he leaned back, examining the beauty in front of him.
Y/n awkwardly wrapped her arms around her chest and stomach covering up any parts that felt over exposed. Justin sighed, grabbed the ties, and attached them onto one of her hands; that's when he saw them. For the first time he saw the pain she caused herself, he saw the deep skin torn apart and the red swelling of the fresh marks; he saw the orderly fashion she placed them in and he saw what he was too afraid to believe.
He tried not to flinch or stare but the reaction had been too obvious and again Kelsie felt uncomfortable. He wrapped both ties around her wrists and the headboard, pulling her arms above her head.
Now that she was unable to hide from him Justin studied her again, taking in everything he saw. He then slid his finger down her stomach and onto her crotch. He rubbed her gently over her pants with one hand, while the other fumbled with the belt. Kelsie's breathing picked up, a mix between the sexual tension Justin was causing and the embarrassment of him seeing her so uncovered.
He carefully slipped the jeans down her legs, along with her purple lace underwear. Now, she was fully revealed before him. A small smile stretched across his face as he saw the curves of her sides and the dimples on her back.
Justin still hadn't said much this entire time, only given her a glimpse every so often to make sure she was okay. He pulled his legs on either side of her and lowered his mouth to her neck. He placed chaste kisses down her chest, stopping at each nipple giving it a simple flick with his tongue before continuing down her body.
He reached her thigh before detaching his lips and squatting between her legs. She instantly slammed her legs shut, refusing to let him see any more of her then he had to. Justin pried her legs apart, kissing up her thigh and onto her sweet spot, gently kissing her clit.
Y/n's legs relaxed and she let out a groan of relief and pleasure. Justin smiled to himself as he inserted his tongue. He loved Y/n and hated seeing her in pain. Even though he had never asked, he knew that no boy had ever seen her body, let alone have sex with it.
He licked her one last time before extracting his tongue and meeting her face with his. He smiled and pecked her nose, "I love you".
"I love you too", she almost whispered, the quietness being drowned out by her heavy breathing.
"Can I show you how much I love you?" Justin asked not wanting to rush her, "I want to show you that no matter what I think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. I want you to feel special".
Y/n looked at her boyfriend, his eyes full of hurt. She knew he meant it but still she couldn't imagine how he could ever think she was beautiful. She nodded her head, agreeing to the monumental decision without hesitation; she loved him.
He smiled softly, pulling out a condom from the second drawer and unwrapping it. He sat up, careful not to put too much weight onto her tiny figure. He gripped the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing his abs one by one. Then he unbuckled his pants, leaving him in only his boxers.
"Don't be nervous", Justin reassured her as he pulled down his boxers revealing his large hard on. He knew most girls were intimidated by his size, but at least they had all experienced intercourse before; she was a virgin.
Y/n gulped taking it all in with her eyes, not being able to tear her gaze away from it. Justin gripped her chin with his thumb and forefinger, giving her a reassuring look.
Justin lowered himself down onto her placing his cock at her entrance. He untied her hands and guided them onto his biceps where he knew her nails would be digging any second.
He moved his hips gently forward only entering himself an inch or so before hearing a loud hiss and a sharp pain shooting up his arms. He pulled out completely and looking at Y/n for reassurance to continue.
When she gave him a weak smile, he pushed forward, this time slower and gentler. He pulled her left arm away from his bicep and held it in front of his face, examining the many scars that lay upon it.
This time as he entered her, he planted a kiss on every scar, cut, burn that was displayed on her skin. Kelsie breathed deeply taking everything in; the sex, the intimacy, the love.
He let go of her hand, letting it fall back against the bed gently. He rested his arms on either side of my head and kissed her forehead softly. Y/n breathed heavy, trying to contain the pain shooting up her legs and into her stomach.
"Ready?" Justin asked
Ready? Y/n looked down and realized not even half of him was inside her, scaring her. He wanted more? She nodded her head, preparing for the worst. She clenched her teeth together a squeezed her eyes shut.
"Aw babe, don't do that", Justin cooed, "your eyes are too beautiful to be kept shut"
Y/n slowly peeled apart her lids and met his intense glare as he, without warning, thrusted almost all his length into her. Y/n yelped feeling the tears fill her eyes. Justin reached down whipping her checks and continued moving slowly inside her, waiting for her to adjust.
Y/n sighed, the once painful soreness spreading through her body, turned to a tingly sensation that she seemed to like.
"Faster" she breathed, feeling the sharp sensations spiral throughout her body. Justin took no time arguing and almost immediately, sped up, keeping a steady pace.
"Shit you're tight", Justin grunted, giving her a deep thrust, filling her completely.
Y/n wrapped her arms around his torso becoming more comfortable to the feeling of their naked bodies pressed together in a tight, sweaty mess. She dug her nails into his skin, causing them both to moan involuntarily.
"You are so fucking gorgeous", Justin whispered, latching his lips onto her nipple and licking and biting it softly.
This caused Y/n to tighten around him, and release her juices over the condom and the base of his cock. She moaned out his name and in that moment she didn't care how she looked or if her stomach was sucked in; all she thought about was the simple pleasures being radiated through her body. Justin pulled out, squirting into the rubber holding his now softening cock.
He turned sideways an expression of pure admiration stressed across his face, "Holy shit Y/n. That was probably the sexiest thing I have ever witnessed in my life"
The look of pure awe on his face made Y/n smile, she knew he meant every word, "what did I do?"
"You didn't even look like you were trying?!" Justin exclaimed, "when you orgasimed you looked so fucking sexy"
Y/n shyly smiled hiding her face with her stray hairs. Justin wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his chest, letting her rest her head perfectly on his shoulder.
"So how do you think first period is going?" Justin joked
"Shit!" Y/n screamed, jumping off the bed and desperately looking for her clothes, "we have school!"

This imagine was kinda how I was feeling
I hope you guys like it
Thank you for all the love
Let me fill out into what happened with me after I did the " I just want you to know " thing
My mom left for 2 weeks for a family emergency so I was (and still am being) left along in my house
My best friend (he's a boy)
Came over my house unexpected he has a key so he opened the house door and when he entered the house I was to busy throwing up that I didn't hear the door open and close.
I guess he heard me in the bathroom.
Because next thing I knew. The door was flying open and he was looking at me. We fought because of this. Then I cried and he told everything was going to be alright. He made me eat popcorn, all kinds of chips and candies then we ate ice cream and we watched a movie together cuddle on the sofa I was so mad at my self for eating those stuff because they had so many calories. But I know that I can't keep hurting myself he made me realize that. I'm not going to start eating everything I'm going to take baby steps. He slept over then I did something I haven't done in a long time
I cooked I used to love to cook
Bye babes
Carolyne 💋

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