Sir yes Sir(sex)

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Love me like you do -Ellie goulding
Earned it - the weeknd (play it in order
Pacing was not something I normally did, but the hyperactive parts of myself denied my requests of staying calm even when I tried. As I anxiously chewed on my thumbnail-another nervous habit I've picked up lately-I noticed several pairs of eyes set on me, watching my every move intensely.

"What?" I asked frantically, instantly taking a look at my attire, "Is the outfit too much? Should I change?!"

My babbling was insistent as I made a dash for the stairs but was blocked by my best friend, Max.

He gave a light laugh before taking a firm grasp of my shoulders. "Y/N" He smiled. "Breathe."

Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding I obliged, feeling the tension in my body ease.

"I know you're nervous but everything is gonna be okay." Matt smiled. "You look great."

Returning a half smile I silently thanked him before watching him walk back over to the couch where most of my friends and family sat, all of them wearing the same anxious and impatient expressions as me as we waited.

Today was the day.

After nearly seven months of not being able to see or feel him today was finally here; Justin was coming home.

He's been a Marine for two years now and although I wanted him to be happy it still sucked that it meant I wouldn't see him as much as I wanted to. He sprung the idea on me a few months before our high school graduation and I was in no position to tell him that he couldn't join.

Although, I preferred if he hadn't.

I still hadn't gotten used to sleeping alone or not being able to call and see him whenever I wanted, but I tried my best to adjust.

After his first leave a year and a half ago Justin proposed to me. Saying something along the lines of, "This way you'll have proof that you belong to someone when assholes try to make a pass at you while I'm away."
I smiled at the memory, twirling my wedding ring around the finger it adorned. I could feel my cheeks redden once I recalled how we spent the first night after he came back home; our naked bodies laced with sweat, our legs tangled with each other's and the sheets, a plethora of I love you's being exchanged...

It was also hard knowing that his life was continuously put at risk, which is what frightened me the most. Every time I brought it up Justin kissed me until my lungs begged for air, giving me his promise to always come home to me. I knew he wasn't invincible but somehow I clung to it and it gave me comfort.

My thoughts were instantly placed on hold the moment Justin's father, Jeremy, walked into the living room, his excitement radiating off of him.

"He's here." He spoke briskly.

Everyone stood immediately and rushed to the front door, me being the first among them. Just as I made it to the threshold I nearly collapsed then and there, all the air escaping from my lungs.

Standing nearly five inches taller than me stood a hunk of tanned skin, bulging muscles and a smile to die for.

The man I fell in love with.
Without thinking any further I closed the few feet that stood in between us and sprinted towards him, crashing into his body as my tears fell.

Justin's arms instantly circled around my waist as I clung onto him, unwilling to believe that he was really here.

"I've missed you so much, baby girl." He breathed as his arms tightened around me. "You have no idea."

"Trust me, I do." I spoke in between sobs. "God, I love you so much."

Pulling back so I could get a good look at him, I noticed the change in his hair, the light stubble smattering across his jaw and chin, and the slight tension around his eyes from dealing with the unknown while he was away. Justin stroked my cheek gently, wiping a stray tear away with the padding of his thumb.
Not being able to control myself anymore, I stood on my tip-toes and connected my lips to his, sighing peacefully into the kiss.

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