chapter 2

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"So what about you and Shane?" I ask Avery, watching her pull into her driveway. She smiles a little, shaking her head as of it was the funniest thing.
"We..we hooked up." She says. I grin at her, knowing that she's blushing from embarrassment even though I can't see her.
"You had sex with Shane?" I whisper, laughing a little. She smiles and opens the door.
"Yes, we did. And he's really hot when he's drunk." She tells me, stepping out if the car. I open the door and follow her into her house. She starts to turn on the light, but quickly flicks it off.
"Shit." She curses. The upstairs hall light turns on, and Avery quickly walks into the bathroom.
"What's going on? Avery?" Her mom asks, walking down the stair case wearing a robe.
"Ah Mrs. Johnson! How are you?" I say to her. She crosses her arms and stares at me, as I smile back.
"Where's Avery, Margo?" She asks again. What do I say? Do I rat out my friend and tattle in her for having sex at someone's party, and coming home at 1 in the morning?
"She's using the bathroom." I tell her.
"Okay. I'll just wait until she comes out." Her mom says. I sigh a little, awkwardly standing in the entrance of there house.
"What's going on?" I hear Avery's brother, Jack, say. He looks at me and smiles.
"Hey Margo." He says. I smile at him and wave a little, watching him walk down the stairs. He walks into the kitchen and turns the light on.
"I'm getting a snack!" He yells. He peeps his head out if the kitchen doorway, and smiles at me again.
"Want a snack?" He asks me. I roll my eyes and smile, and shake my head.
"In a minute, Jack." I tell him. I hear the floor creek, and look up to see Avery wearing jeans and a tee shirt.
"Were have you been?" Her mom asks, walking closer towards her.
"Ooo busted!" Jack says. Avery rolls her eyes and sits on the couch.
"Shut up Jack! Someone threw a party for Margo, and she wanted me to come." Her mom sighs in relief and walks back up the stairs. I sit next to her on the couch and nudge her shoulder.
"That was a close one Avery." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and continues to watch tv.
"So how did you do it?" I ask her.
"Do what?"
"Change your clothes so fast!"
"Oh. I always keep a spare set of clothes in the bathroom. You know me, I'm always partying." She laugh. I smile and stand up, walking towards the kitchen were Jack is. He's eating Doritos, and is downing a coke bottle.
"What are you doing?" I laugh, watching the soda drip down his chin.
"Downing a coke. Want some?" He asks. I shake my head and sit on the bar stool.
"I don't like coke." I tell him. He puts the bottle down and leans on the counter top.
"I know you weren't at a birthday party, Margo." He tells me.
"How would you know?"
"Twinepothy." He says, tapping his head. Yes, Jack and Avery are twins. Jack is 2 minutes older than Avery, and it kills her when he uses the two minutes against her.
"How did you really know?" I ask him, taking a Dorito out of his bag.
"Easy. Shane invited me on Monday."
"And you didn't want to go?" I ask him, shocked. Jack was always up to party, even more than Avery was. It's crazy how similar they are.
"Nah. I had Rachel from Biology come over. She's hot!" He says. I smile and roll my eyes.
"Don't you roll those pretty green eyes at me!" He says.
"Jack Johnson are you actually being nice to a girl?" I tease.
"Ha ha very funny. But seriously, your eyes are gorgeous." He tells me, walking past me, and trotting back up the stairs. I walk back to Avery who's still sitting on the couch, and she's basically asleep. My phone starts to ring, and I pick it up, not even looking at the caller id.
"Hey Margo."
"Yep it's me."
"Why are you calling me at 1 in the morning?"
"I can't sleep baby."
"Yeah. I call all my girlfriends that."
"All your girlfriends?"
"You know what I mean.
"You don't know me Mr Shawn Mendes."
"Well I would love to get to know you Miss Margo Fieldman. So tell me, what is your favorite animal."
"Definitely a giraffe."
"Why a giraffe?"
"Because they're tall like me."
"Okay, yeah, I get it. What about your favorite color?"
"Pink. Yours?"
"Nah. It's blue."
"I kinda guessed it wasn't actually pink."
"So what are you wearing?"
"Don't you be a fuck boy."
"Chill. I'm just wondering."
"Jeans. A tee shirt. Same thing I wore to the party."
"You looked good tonight."
"Thank you. You didn't look too bad yourself."
"Thank you, Margo. Margo Margo Margo."
"What are you doing?"
"I love your name. I want to name my kid Margo."
"I don't really care for my name."
"No? It's beautiful though."
"Thank you Shawn. Your very sweet."
"So are you, babe."
"It's getting late, Shawn."
"Let's hang out this weekend."
"Okay. Why not."
"Want to meet me at that coffee shop down town on Sunday?"
"That sounds great."
"Okay. Cool."
"See you Sunday."
And he hangs up, leaving butterfly's in my stomach. I just met this boy, and I already have a date? This doesn't sound like the Margo Fieldman I know. Nothing like the Margo I know. The Margo I know would decline a date and wait until we are better friends. But something about Shawn drives my crazy. Was it that perfect jaw line? Or that amazing brown hair? I don't know what it was, but it was killing me.
And I needed to see this boy one more time before my head exploded with thoughts.

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