Chapter 7: The VMAs

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Chapter 7 - The VMAs

*Dustin's POV*

ME: You really won't show me the dress?

BABY G: Nope, it's a surprise. Just be at my house by 2. That's extra time for pictures.

ME: Okay then. Be that way.

BABY G: Love you too, D!

I closed my messages from Gabbi and walked out of my hotel room, right when I bumped into Patrick and Adrienne.

She looked at me with a ping of regret in her eyes. "Hey, Dustin... did Gabbi say anything about my messages?"

"Yeah but she's not really down for replying to them right now. I mean, you did say I was using her."

"Can you please just tell her that I'm sorry? And I wanted to apologize to you for saying that. I know that it's not true."

I chuckled, "It's not me that you have to worry about. It's Gabbi." I nodded at Patrick and proceeded to walk past them to the elevator.

Tonight was the VMAs and Gabbi was nominated for four awards, including Video of the Year. I was on my way to Gabbi's parent's house in L.A. The show started at 5 and my date was to walk the red carpet at 4. Not gonna lie, this night was completely terrifying for me. The boys and I never went to events like this and it was also Gabbi's first official appearance with me. I really didn't want to mess up and let me down.

Once the elevator reached the garage, I walked to Gabbi's blacked out Range Rover. Yeah, I'm driving my girl's car. So what? But it was nice of her to lend it me and I left my care in Atlanta. I have no reason to be ashamed.

After the twenty minute drive from the hotel, I finally arrived at the Woods' home

*Gabbi's POV*

I was putting my earrings on when my mom walked into my room, "Gabbi, Dustin is here. And he looks good."

We both laughed and I stood up in my lavender sleeveless, diamond-studded A-line dress. M mother stared at me with tears in her eyes. I laughed, "C'mon, ma. Let's not cry this time."

She smiled "I'm just so proud of you." I walked over to her and gave her hug. She hugged me tighter and pulled away, "Now, go make him speechless."

And that's exactly what I did. I walked out of the room and descended down the staircase and smiled widely at my handsome date. He smiled back and I laughed to myself as I walked over to him. After a good 15 seconds of staring, he finally spoke into my ear, "Wait until we get home." I could hear the smirk on his face while I laughed. I pecked his lips and smiled, "You look great too."

We took hundreds of pictures for my parents until we looked at the clock on the wall that read 3:30.

"Alright, mom. This photoshoot has been great but it's time to go."

My parents gave us one last hug and we walked out of the house to the car that was waiting for us. Dustin opened the door for me and Adrienne was sitting on the other side of the car. I got in first, causing me to be right next to her, and Dustin got in before closing the door.

Adrienne smiled at me, "Hey, Gabbi. Did you get my messages? I've been texting you for a couple days and I didn't get a re-"

I cut her off, "Yeah I did. But that's not important. What's the schedule for the night?"

Dustin spoke, "Maybe you should hear her out? You guys are best friends."

"Maybe we can do that later but this night is important. So what's the schedule?"

Business with Pleasure: A Dustin Breeding/B5 Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now