Chapter 11: Can We Handle It?

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Chapter 11: Can We Handle It?

*Gabbi's POV*

I laid my head on Dustin's shoulder as he held Chase in his lap on our couch. We'd been sitting in silence for the past twelve minutes. Neither of us knew what to say to each other. After spending the better half of a year with someone, every single day, being without them seemed almost impossible.

Dustin decided to break the silence, "Maybe we should put Chase to sleep so we can talk about this a bit more."

I looked over the clock and noticed that it was getting close to 10 p.m. I nodded and started to stand up. Dustin led the way to Chase's bedroom. He went into the bathroom and started running Chase's bath water. I started to get Chase ready for his bath in his room.

"Alright, Bubba. Which pajamas do you want to wear to bed tonight?"

"The cars!"

I giggled, "You wore the cars last night. We have to pick something else."

"But I like the cars. Mommy loved to let me wear the cars."

The smile on the face fell. This was the first time he'd talked about his mother since the week that she left. I sighed and nodded, "Well, if it's cars that you want. You can wear that."

He smiled and hugged me, "Yay for cars, Gabbi!"

I laughed and hugged him back, "I think Daddy is ready for bath time."

He ran into the bathroom and I walked into my bedroom down the hall. I sat on the bed and looked at my cell phone. The news of B5 leaving the tour hadn't gotten out yet but I wasn't sure if that's what was going to happen anyway. Adrienne told me that it was still up in the air but the label was leaning towards giving them their own U.S. tour and finding a new opening act for me. I kept trying to think of ways for them to stay; ways for my family to stay together. I opened my phone and opened my message thread with Adrienne and sent her a text;

Gabbi: I don't know what you can do but I can't finish this tour so far from my family. I need you to figure something out. Push back their tour so I could travel with them. Take care of Chase, you know? I just need to have another solution.

I finished the text and wiped a stray tear that was falling down my cheek. This wasn't me. A few months ago, I was thee Gabbi Woods. I never depended on anyone else. I didn't see myself settling down anytime soon but Dustin changed that. Then Chase came along and then I felt the need to be the best version of myself for him. Another person that I didn't even bring into this world but every second that I spent with him made me the happiest person ever.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Dustin knocking on the door, "Hey, babe. Time to say goodnight."

I nodded and followed him into Chase's bedroom. He was laying in bed when I walked in with a huge smile on his face. I laughed, "What's so funny, Bubba?"

"We surprised you today!"

"You're right. I didn't think you could ever keep a secret from me. But I know I have to watch you now." I giggled and kissed his forehead, "Goodnight, Bubba. I love you."

"I love you."

Dustin leaned down and kissed Chase's forehead, "Goodnight, son. I love you."

"I love you too Daddy."

We turned the light off and closed his door and walked back down to the living room. We both sat down facing each other and Dustin spoke first,

"I think Chase is starting to really look at you like a mom. Maybe we can talk to him about calling you mommy or something."

I shook my head, "I don't think that's going to happen, babe. He wanted to wear the car pajamas because his mommy loved to let him wear them. He misses her, D."

He sighed, "You've been doing amazing, Gab. I'm so thankful for you. I don't know what I would've done if this happened without you."

"Thanks. I think this is what makes this whole tour situation even worse. I'm so attached to you guys. I know Chase isn't my biological son but I don't want to just walk away from him. From my family." I felt the tears falling again but this time it's almost like they wouldn't stop.

*Dustin's POV*

Once I saw Gabbi crying, all I could do was hold her. I was watching the strongest woman that I know crumble. I had to be the one to fix it for her. I kissed her forehead and spoke, "I know that you would never walk away, Gabbi. But music is your life. We're always going to be here but the fans are who need you too."

"I know but three months away from you guys is going to feel like forever. And I love you but you always forget that Chase needs a nap every day at 3 p.m. and you should sing to him. He likes singing and he's learning some songs and he can't forget them."

I laughed, "I'm sure we would be able to visit sometimes. And I promise that I will never stop singing to him. He's going to be as successful as you when he's older."

She smiled the same beautiful smile that I'm used to seeing all day, "Can we handle this, D?"

I placed a sweet kiss on her lips, "I love you. As long as we're together, we can handle anything."

She kissed me again for what felt like eternity before she pulled away and smirked, "So I was calculating some time and if I'm going to be gone for three months, I'm gonna miss out on a lot of Dustin Breeding loving. It's almost as if I'm gonna go crazy."

I laughed and stood up before picking her up in my arms, "Well I guess I could start giving you a little bit more for the road."

She giggled and pecked my lips as I walked us into our bedroom. For the rest of the night, everything felt like it would all fall into place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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