chapter 2

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"Tempus," Blaise intoned. With a small sigh he began packing his books into his bag and made to stand up.

"Where are you going Blaise," Pansy's shrill voice sounded as she walked down into the common room from the dorms. He barely resisted rolling his eyes. The girl was impossible sometimes, entirely too inquisitive.

"Do you know where Draco is?"

No I don't, and if I did I certainly wouldn't tell you. He's already stressed. I'm not about to help you run him around the bend. "I'm going to work on my charms project," he said.

"Oh," she smirked, dragging the word out dramatically as she walked over. "How is it working with Potty-Potter?" she asked, gaining the entire room's attention. It seemed that everyone wanted to know the same thing, but they didn't have the courage to ask him themselves.

Blaise shouldered his bag, "It's fine Pansy. Why don't you worry about your partner rather than mine? Now, I really must leave; I don't want to be late."

"In such a hurry to run off to our resident savior, are you?" she sneered.

"Oh give it a rest Pansy," a smooth voice spoke from the common room entrance.

"Dracey!" she shrieked, thankfully, forgetting all about Blaise.

Blaise arched an eyebrow as he stared over her head at his best friend. You didn't have to do that, he said with his eyes.

Draco shrugged his shoulders. You owe me one.

Blaise shook his head with a smirk as he left, passing Draco and the loud-mouthed girl plastered to his side. "I'll send Daphne your way if I see her," Blaise whispered to his blonde friend. Draco would surely loose his mind if he was left alone with Pansy too long.

Draco nodded his thanks and sauntered into the common room, like he didn't have a care in the world, but Blaise knew otherwise. He saw the glamours Draco applied every morning, the potions he took to just to stay awake in class, and he was aware every time the boy left the dorms late at night. Something was up with his best friend, and it had Blaise worried. It wasn't like Draco to keep secrets from him, and this seemed like a huge secret.

The Slytherin sighed. I'll try to talk to him about it this weekend.

Stopping on the seventh floor, Blaise walked past the blank wall three times. I want to see Harry Potter. I want to see Harry Potter. I want to see Harry Potter.

In seconds, a door shimmered into existence.

"Hi Zabini."


Blaise watched as Harry sat on the edge of the comfortable brown suede couch, mumbling to himself and looking over the many parchments scattered over the low table in front of him. Blaise watched the shaggy haired boy for a little longer as he bit his lip and ran his hands through his hair before clearing his throat to get Harry's attention.

"It's ready now," he spoke lowly, trying not to the startle the Gryffindor. Though he hid it well, Blaise noticed over the last two weeks they'd been meeting up to work on the charms project that Potter was easily startled. Blaise couldn't really account for it, and it puzzled him, but he supposed he'd be easily startled too if a madman was trying to kill him at every turn. Harry looked up and pinned him with his gaze before glancing past him at the low stone wall Blaise had erected in front of a ceramic pot on a pedestal. Well, considering the fact that they were in the Room of Requirement the Slytherin didn't really do much to erect the wall, but that wouldn't stop him from taking credit, he smirked.

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