Part 1 - 9: You were my crewmate

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The reactor of the Skeld was beginning to overheat to dangerous temperatures, and that was very apparent to the crewmates in Medbay, despirately trying to escape.

   Pink: "Oh god... No... I'm sweating SO badly! We're all going to die at this rate."
   Brown: "As if we already weren't... CAN THIS DAMN ALARM SHUT UP!?"
   Pink: "Don't be so pessimistic, Brown! We can get out of here!" *tries to forcefully open Medbay door* "IF- ONLY- AH-" *falls*
Brown: "Pink... It's no use."
   Pink: "God if I just had a crowbar or something, I could pry this open." *falls to knees*

*Reactor alarms*

   Blue: "Yellow..."
   Yellow: "Blue." *Chuckle*
   Lime: "Let us through, please. I'm sure we can just work this out-"
   Blue: *interrupting and stepping in-front of Lime* "LET US PAST OR ELSE!"
   Yellow: "Hahaha... or else what?"
   Blue: "..."
   Yellow: "You're going to hurt me? Kill me, even?

*Reactor core alarms*

   Blue: "Lime... I need you to do something for me."
   Lime: "What is it, Blue?"
   Blue: "...and i need you to promise me that you'll do it."
   Lime: "..." *Nods* "okay... I will."

*Blue whispers to Lime*

   Yellow: "What are you two scheming?" *pulls out knife* "Are you planning to take me?" *chuckles* "Ooohh this is going to be fun!"
   Lime: *vents away*
   Blue: "You were my crewmate Yellow, I loved you."
   Yellow: "That's cute."

To Be Continued...

Writing among us fanfiction everyday until I get therapyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin