Part 2 - 13: Nobody is Born Sus

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'nobody is born sus' is what Red was told as a baby bean. They remembered near to nothing of their beanhood, but this remained with them. Red pondered this every day. If they weren't born sus, where did it go all wrong? What had happened for Red to become sus, to become an imposter? What about yellow? They weren't always an imposter, either.

   Rose: "I'm no imposter! I've- I've not been sus! I was trying to get to the stabilisers! And- and- I was going to die! The imposter - Red - they were trying to kill me!"
   Coral: "I want to believe you, Rose, but that seems awfully sus. Too sus to be true!" So I'm sorry Rose..."

*Coral voted*

   Rose: "No! That's not true! I'm unsus! I-"
   Red: "Honestly, I'm quite offended, distraught in-fact, the that you'd think I'm an imposter! We had to fight for our lives in that exploding ship! And now I'm being accused?"

*Red voted*

   Rose: "BUT YOU! YOU!"
   Banana: "Hang on. Rosie, boo?"
   Rose: "Huh?"
   Banana: "Stop panicking... Take a deep breath and tell us. Tell us what happened. Who was there and when?"
   Rose: "Well, I was at the stabiliser closest to the laboratory-"
   Maroon: "Were not! You almost killed us all!'
   Lime: *Coughing* "Please, be quick. My friends are still trapped!"
   Banana: "Wait a minute... Tan, what were you doing this whole time?

To Be Continued...

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