Part 6

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November 1918.

We sat against the wall of the trench, Arthur's jacket wrapped around my shoulders. My head rested on his shoulder and I was about to doze off. The only thing that kept me awake were the shouts of men celebrating the victory. But many of us were quiet. We were happy, of curse, but we couldn't shake of the weight of those who died.

Thomas, Freddie and John hid their grief and went to celebrate with their men. Arthur and I sat in silence just enjoying it. I shifted slightly and pulled out my last pack of cigarettes. Opening it, I was faced with my last two.

˝Here, take one.˝ I put the box in front of Arthur and he smiled. That beautiful smile. It kept me going in these past months.

I grew to adore Arthur in this time. His beautiful face and smile that kept me alive. His deep voice that put me to sleep on the nights it was hard to get rest. His calloused hands that held my hand or rested on my body in times no one saw. His strong arms that wrapped around me when I slept, when Nikolai died...

I loved him.

˝Is this how you plan on spending the night? In my arms and a cigarette in hand?˝ He asked, taking a cigarette and tightening his arm around me.

˝If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to spend the rest of my life like this. Are you bothered?˝ I asked, drawing smoke from my cigarette.

˝I'm not bothered one bit, love. And I wouldn't mind either if you stayed forever.˝ He said, once again showing his beautiful smile. He leaned down, slowly kissing me. My eyes went wide, but I melted into the kiss. His lips were rough, but the manner in which he kissed me was soft. We parted and I was left breathless. His smile slowly fell and was replaced with a frown.

˝Did-did I do something wrong?˝He asked, turning towards me. My hand rested on my lips and I lightly smiled.

˝No... Everything is perfect... You're perfect...˝ I said, looking down. I lifted my face to meet his and smiled.

˝I love you, Arthur. So much!˝ I confessed. He sat there, looking at me, his face painted in shock. But slowly, it softened and soon turned into his well known smile.

˝... Oh Monica... I love you, too˝ He said and leaned back in. I leaned in as well, our lips meeting halfway. My hands rested on his face, thumb grazing his cheek. His were on my hips, just resting there.

Our kiss was broken by my need to sneeze.

˝Are you alright, love?˝ Arthur asked me, looking into my eyes.

˝I have to sn-˝ I started and was interrupted by the upcoming sneeze.
˝Your mustache tickled me and I had to sneeze.˝ I laughed at the statement. Arthur smiled and shook his head.

˝Would you like me to shave it?˝ He asked with raised brow.

˝Oh hell no!˝ I screamed and we both laughed.

A few weeks later

We just got of the ship with our bags already at the dock. Arthur's hand rested on the small of my back and we laughed at something John said.

But it was all fake. Johns jokes and laughs, Arthur's, Freddie's, Tommy's and mine were fake as well.

We reached the train station that the boys needed to be at. They were going back to their city. To Birmingham. They told me their ant, as well as two younger siblings were waiting. that is the only thing that excited them.

˝This is where we part, hm?˝ I said as Arthur and I stopped a bit before the group did.

˝Part? Love, are you telling me that you're not coming to Birmingham with us?˝ He asked, dropping his bags and taking hold of my hips.

˝Yes, Arthur. I have to go. I left so much behind. My house, my pets. Hell, even the family that doesn't give a shit about me. I love you, Arthur. More than I could ever love anyone. But I left a life behind. And as much as I would love to stay, I simply can't˝ I said, my hands resting on his chest, my gaze cast to the floor.
˝I'm sorry.˝

˝Hey! Look at me, love. There is nothing to apologize for. I understand. Just promise you won't forget me.˝ He said, lifting my face to meet his.
˝Promise me you won't forget me, forget what we had.˝ He looked into my eyes and smiled. A few tears slipped down his face, which I wiped away.

"Oh i could never forget you, Arthur. Never." i said tenderly, pulling his face towards mine. Our lips met and we kissed slowly. We didn't separate for a while, savouring the moment, knowing it's most likely our last. His hands never left my body, and mine never left his.

When we finally parted, resting our foreheads together, we both let a few stray tears fall.

"I love you, Monica Winchester." Arthur whispered, still holding me.

"I love you too, Arthur Shelby." i whispered back. He finally let me go, still standing very close. He wiped his face and took his bag, swinging it over his shoulder, saluting me with his other hand.

"Lieutenant." he said with a slight crack in his voice, indicating he was about to cry any second.

"Sergeant Major." i saluted and greeted him back, my voice coming out hoarse from crying. He nodded his head and walked onto the train.

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