Part 14

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˝Thomas!˝ A familiar voice comes through the door.

˝Ada is on her period again and is even more unbearable than before! I just don't kno-˝ The rant stopped once he came into the room. He stared at me in surprise and I smiled.

˝Hi!˝ I said.

˝Monica!˝ Freddie yelled and hugged me tight. I laughed and hugged him back.
˝You're back! Where were you all this time?!˝ He yelled into my face, tightly squeezing my shoulders.

˝It's a long story, maybe another time. Now, sit down! Have a drink!˝ I pulled him into the booth with me and Tommy fills his glass.

We laughed and drank until the afternoon, exchanging stories and jokes. Arthur and I would exchange looks and touches between stories, something the three men soon picked up on.

And started teasing us about.

˝Oh! Look at the young love!˝ John cooed and Tommy and Freddie laughed.

˝Can't wait for the wedding! Not so excited 'bout the wedding night, though...˝ Freddie said and laughed. Tommy just sat back, laughing and smiling at their antics.

Arthur and I just looked at them. Arthur was smiling softly, almost as if remembering something.

Freddie and John kept laughing at the expense of Arthur and I's rekindled love, while Tommy smiled at the scene. The atmosphere was light, something I could easily get used to. Arthur was sitting back smoking his cigar and relaxing. I smiled and leaned into him, to which he responded by wrapping his arm around me.

The room went quiet and we all basked in it.

˝I think we should introduce Monica to the women, huh? Can't have her to be a secret.˝ Tommy spoke up and the men agreed.

˝Well, we couldn't keep her a secret even if we wanted to.˝ Arthur added and stood up. We filled out the booth and out onto the street. We all walked behind Tommy and soon neared a building. He went in first and we waited outside. Tommy walked back out and beckoned us in. We walked in and I was met with a room bustling with people. Paper russling out being passed around, shout overpowering the room. Reaching a room, Tommy stopped before we got in.

˝Monica. In this room, all of the Shelby women have gathered for a family meeting! Let me talk and introduce you.˝ I nodded and he smiled. He walked in and was immediately bombarded with questions.

˝What is the meaning of this meeting Tommy?˝ Asked an older woman, sitting in one of the chairs.

˝Tommy, did Ada and I really have to come? She's in so much pain and I have so much work to do.˝ Asked a dark haired woman. They all went quiet once Arthur and I walked in.

˝What in the bloody hell is this Tommy!? Arthur's allowed to bring his whores with him now!?˝ The woman I assume is Ada yelled.

˝No, Ada, Monica is not a whore. She used to be our Lieutenant. Her and Arthur had a thing going on back then and have gotten back together.˝ Tommy said and the women stared blankly.

˝She looks like a whore.˝ She said and sat down. I turned to the window and looked at myself. I hummed.

˝Well... I kind of do. I think it's the hair and makeup, not the clothes, though.˝ I said and turned to the women.
˝But, better to be walking around with a whore rather then a man. Right, Arthur?˝ I looked up at him. He laughed.

˝You don't look like a man in a suit.˝ He answered and pulled out chair for me. I scoffed.

˝Hm... You should ask Harry how many women came up to me.˝ I told him.
˝Anyway... Ladies, my name is Monica 'Solovey' Winchester. I commanded these four after the US joined war.˝ I said with a smile.

˝So you are the 'Solovey' Arthur talked so much about.˝ The older women said and offered me her hand.
˝Polly Gray.˝ I shook her hand.

˝I'm Ada Thorne. Freddie's wife.˝ I shook her hand as well, and looked at Freddie.

˝Never thought you would get married.˝ I told him and Ada laughed.

˝And I'm Esme, John's wife.˝ She smiled and hugged me. I stood stiff, but hugged her back. We parted and she smiled at me.

˝Is this why you called the meeting? For us to meet her?˝ Polly asked. Tommy nodded.
˝Alright then. It's time that we get back to work... Actually, it's time you four get back to work. We will stay and get to know Monica a bit better.˝ She said and rushed the men out. Their shouts of protest were now just a little muffled by the thick door.

˝I'm sorry I called you a whore earlier.˝ Ada said and I laughed.

˝It's alight. I didn't take it personally. For a fact I actually got used to it at war.˝ I smiled and said.

˝How come that you fought in a war? As a Lieutenant, none the less?˝ Esme asked as Polly sat down next tome.

˝It's a really long story, I really don't want to say it now. But, um, to put it shortly, my father was a sergeant major, my mother a strong Ukrainian woman. I was raised to use my physical strength from young age, joined the navy and rose up in rank. I recently actually rose up a little before I came here, I said.

˝And what are you now?˝ Polly asked, handing me a glass of whiskey. I thanked her and took the glass.

˝A Major.˝ I took a sip at my drink and continued.
˝I was awarded right before I left.˝

˝Are you going back? To America?˝ Ada asked.

˝I'm not planning. I can't keep living that life. It became, a little too much over the years.˝ I answered her and she hummed.

The ladies and I talked for a while. They told me what the men were up to after the war and Polly told me what they were like before the war. I laughed with them at the antics the group did as kids and slowly drank our drinks. Soon, the sun was setting down and we fell into a silence.

˝Are you two going to wed?˝ Esme asked suddenly.

˝Maybe. Certainly not tomorrow.˝ I answered and we laughed. A knock came from the door. Arthur and Freddie peaked in. Ada immediately stood up and walked to Freddie.

˝I'll see you all tomorrow. Hopefully you too, Monica.˝ She said and walked out.

˝We should go too, I would like to talk to you, love.˝ Arthur said, walking into the room fully. I stood up and set my glass down.

˝Alright. Ladies, we'll see each other again.˝ I said and linked my arm with his.

˝See you again, Monica.˝ Polly said with a smile. Arthur and I walked out and started going to my car.

˝And?˝ Arthur started.

˝I liked them.˝ I answered simply.

¨Good. Seems you got along pretty well.˝ He continued.

˝We did. I got asked when we're getting married.˝ Arthur stopped and looked at me, shock evident in his eyes.

˝Esme!˝ He huffed and I laughed.

Solovey {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora