6th side note B:Nintendo high

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Now this Nintendo parody of Nintendo characters in high school is very well made and the characters are well voiced the only thing that been focused too much on is no other than Mario and Luigi the other characters as well they do fit well in the usual High School archetypes like DK a jock k rool a drama egad a Jetta unfortunately link the good-looking one Zelda the smart one Wario and Wluigi are bullys Valco a greaser at at OT does make sense but Fox the whole mother I won't mind but they could do better and finally Pete as a head cheerleader Daisy and a plate and Bowser a rich butthead with Mauser as his right-hand stooge.

Now this just came to me but what if the whole school was a Imagacan with a Giga Giga statue deep in the school Wally Mario Earthbound RPG hybrid may sound kind of off on paper but there can be some things in Miles mine. I left pets forgotten for all we know for now that is.

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