Movie archive file ten: Terminator

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Now this one is one of the best sci-fi actresses back in the days but after dark Fate is kind of died.

Well can't blame them if you ask me story was one-sided, salvation and the TV series they're kind of The Chronicles of the posts that I have in mind I think that was left who is to going to cyberspace it's the only way to take down Skynet or the last one Legions but that's too much like Tron.

The other thing I we may never see is the rest of the Rev series like what the Rev 9 is even if dose act like a two man job and a EMP is the only way to kill it but here the thing how can one continue if you made something that's almost Unstoppable wisata plasma cutter and high concentration laser weapon but that more impossible depending on the time period the movie is set in.

The other thing they could go on is the multiverse thing but that crazy and may get out of hand in more way then one.

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