True beginning or what if:MST3K:Lunch if the S.O.L

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Oval intro:Now did each become the captain of the Sol satellite of love?

Well for Jonah is was the fake distress call Mike you had a part in helping Joel Escape was about Joel himself?

That been in the back of my mind for years and it just that almost no one ever thought of it I told me that is.

What if that day started like any other day?

Our story begins at Gizmoic Institute where Joel Robinson works it's a nice and cloudy morning and he started work when he's the first to punch in while the other labs got there working at the usual with having 80% of their you to experiment blowing up in their face at least you'll have something to do that have not blown apart taking what's left to scrap yard but he always fine something that he would funny used for like say for the monthly invention exchange The Institute does just to come together.

"Ok let see what we got." Says Joel when he got back to his office then pulls out what's from the bracelet a few metal arms three left to right a hand with most of their fingers and robotic eyes lots of robotic eyes and then their a head.

"Of all the lab experiments Gizmoic have try to make it just blow up when they are trying to make yours better fuel source and even Transport Systems." Says Joel when he sit at his work bench there he made some simple gadgets and gizmos nothing volatile Center but most of experiments in The Institute having most of their material.

What Joel is working on seem to be a vacuum accordion mix the next invention exchange tomorrow and then says before leaving for the day "Maybe one day I'll make something that will gave me better work place."

The next morning Joel got to work on finishing his inventions before the exchange. After lunch Wednesday I made Joe heads to one of the lecture hall that having the exchange when he got there the stage where they're one is presenting their stage how's a blast window in case something goes wrong and when the thing started one invention blow up after another someone more badly hurt than others.

When it Joel turns the vacuum accordion works and then blew up and have some Applause for his invention except for two scientists who doesn't like him Clayton Forrester and his lap Patsy Larry Newhart who are in the shells of a room and banned due to one of their experiments to be in inhumane and to they steal others and they may have found who they need for the upcoming experiment.

What if Joel been tricked into a new office?

Two weeks later joel been promoted to a new work space or so he think.

"Thank for help me move into my new work space Dr.Newheart right is?"Asked Joel when he is what he think is moving into a new work place but he doesn't know how wrong he is.

"So where do you what whatever you are making to be put in?" Asked Dr. Newhart as he being in what seem to be Joel pet robot project.

"I'll take care of it personally." Said Joel who is going to put it a one of the extra rooms good now that he's in a satellite and when Larry got out Clayton throw the switch does shooting Joel into space.

Oval Outro: And you may know where the rest of the song goes.

True beginning or what if you decide.

(Vote if you think that could happen comment if you think otherwise.)

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