Sound theory or coincidence:Miko's meaning to her name.

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It all started when I come across a YouTube video on the upcoming Pocky & Rocky game in the word Miko came up which is the name given to a young shamaness that work at a Shinto shrine between 18 and 28 upon further research which mean god child from a anonymous tip oh so mean then in Hebrew Miko is a ultimate form Michael which mean who is like god?

Now here the theory that led up in my head what if Miko distended those that shall we say a spiritual connection which could explain why she can bond with Halle well and can be able to handle what Hinobi would send to be cannon fodder but can't be reset thing not so much but it would fit with those think but Hinobi CPU core are spirits and once it breaks free from whatever core turns into an axe with every on the screen the only way to prove that is if that their a Hinobi that similar to Inuyasha which is when it got most of his inspiration as for what time well it could be a fighter since two out of Inuyasha are Fighters but that all could be a coincidence do to Miko being a uniname in Japan which is mostly giving the girls.

Sound theory or coincidence you decide.

(Vote if you really think so comment if you think otherwise.)

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