Nintenguard Note:Most gullible to knows better

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Now where to being?

When it come to Nintendo characters some would see good and friendly well other sea sucker here are the members that let their guard down low enough again knife in the back and those that would watch their own backs.

Let start with those that easy to paint a Target on.

Kirby's the little pink puffball that's easy to make friends but he's easy to take advantage of and one case haven't even though it's a main villain of a campaign what are underdark influences he streets up forgive that person.

That a light warning if you ask me.

Next we have no other then the Super Mario well dose look like a nice guy on the surface even though he will give the benefit of the doubt but he will get one upside the head if someone has a hidden agenda.

Luigi can sometimes be over paranoid on what can go wrong and when the moment his guards down let's say in one case he gets for headed by a hammer.

Now Link of the Zelda...Books knows when to keep his guard up and rest  when the moment presents itself.

Fox's well have to look into the background of those that ask for those that ask for their surface don't want to take dirty jobs nor blood Money.

Samus however seem to always be on guard most of the know Metroid files don't seem to have enough pass have time to see what she is like hunt down time let alone or social life for that matter.

I could go with the full list but their little to go on for some while their are those that hardly know personally.

Next let say for now we have those that are off the book and can go crazy if they cross the line.

First we have who we she'll call Apple for now once a John Doe have no memory of who she is when I first woke up hey when she heard my has been taken by Bowser and Princess Peach gone M.I.A she with the person she first met upon waking up text upon herself to go after them in her own persona is shall we say a punk rock Harley Quinn persona.

The Road trip they went through I want to place while making some money on the side but some of these jobs she end up taking if the pay is good are shall we say m rated and apple have no shame of doing it.

Later down the line another who will Honda remains unanimous joins them to help them on their and to get better gigs that have apple and her companion at the altar if you know what I mean.

What I can say after that when they got to Bowser castle she when in with a Axe and really gave Bowser a real hard time but Mario is not fund of her rebellious Behavior one apple flicked Bowser.

As for the last one for now he need more intro he who the Nintenguard send to let say pull the trigger.

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