Friend In Me Pt 2

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A couple of days after meeting Quinn and talking to Kurt, Rachel smiled whenever she heard her phone buzz. Usually it was an update on Show Choir but every now and then a message from Quinn.

'Courage' said her latest one and being wrapped in her simple text; Rachel didn't see Karofsky approaching her knocking her Samsung out of her hand before shoving her into a locker. Wincing from the impact she scrambled to get her phone before someone stepped on it or worse destroyed it. That's when she heard Quinn's words ringing in her head. Running after in search of him she found him forcing lunch money out of a group of freshmen boys.

"Hey Karofsky! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?!" holding her ground he turned his head to her growling. Despite her hobbit size, she wasn't scared. She was courageous and wouldn't let him or any of the other popular kids push her around. Not from here on out.

"Did you just yell at me midget?" he demanded, holding his fist up "Don't make me introduce you to the fury!" gulping she went to speak when she felt a cold blast hit her face first next to a bruel force slamming her into a wall. Biting her bottom lip til skin peeled she slid down the wall listening to Karofsky and whoever joined in her assault, hearing a high five and another taunt thrown her way. Pulling her knees to her chest she sobbed before shooting a mass text to her friends asking to meet her in the bathroom near Ms. Hans room.

Cleaning up she skipped lunch and just hid out in the choir room sending a message to Quinn. Getting an almost instant replay a minute later she grabbed her bag and went to meet her by the courtyard staircase. Successfully yet cautiously avoiding any letterman jackets she waited patiently for a Warbler jacket to be sighted. When nearly 15 minutes passed, she thought about going to see if it wasn't too late to catch up with Kurt and the others. That's when she heard her name being called out. Smiling at the well dressed blonde, she saw Quinn approach her earning a few odd glances from students there. Hugging her without thinking she pulled away a blush creeping up on her face, chuckling Quinn said hello asking if everything was okay. Before she could answer she felt a chill in the air seeing no other than Karofsky walking over to them. Rachel bit her lip and seemed to try to hide herself within her silk scarf. Quinn on the other hand stood her ground as Rachel did not too long ago, she feared this would turn out. With her thumbs sticking out of her pockets she smiled at the taller and more buff boy.

"Rachel and I would like to talk to you about something that occurred earlier." scoffing he went to push past them but Quinn stepped in his path. Glaring down at the blonde Karofsky balled up his fist.

"This your girlfriend Berry?" pushing past them he excused himself when Quinn bought up the slushie assault. Noting his shoulders uprising he whipped around towards him nearly ramming Quinn against the fence. That's when Rachel herself pushed him away from her even though Quinn was prepared to push back.

"Don't you dare come at her! You're a crowd you know that? And you could've seriously injured me!" not caring who heard her outburst she felt a hand squeeze her shoulder. Calling them bitches he stormed off yanking his jacket near his neck. Collapsing onto the bottom step Quinn sat beside her placing her bag down.

"Well looks like he's not apologizing anytime soon. Shame." glancing over at her Rachel's gaze said 'are you serious?' before she held her head down. Thanking Quinn once again a grumble came from her stomach. Seeing the blonde cutie smirk at her she asked if they could get lunch. Offering her hand again Rachel took it gladly this time running them off and through a crowd.  

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