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Pacing across the stage Santana twirled her thumbs trying to ease her nerves. It wasn't like her to get pre-show jitters, she was always ready to slay the competition. Groaning out loud she jumped at the sound of her name.

"Someone's a little jumpy this evening," said a familiar voice. Turning her head she smiled at Dani who waved her. Facing her she flashed a smile back.

"Well what I can say, I've got some stiff competition." she mentioned shrugging her shoulders. Chuckling at her attempt to be chill Dani walked up to her. Santana bit her bottom lip, eyes roaming over the blonde's uniform. How well she handled herself. Giving her hand a squeeze Dani leaned in, pecking her cheek; whispering "For good luck" in her ear. Fighting the urge to take her right there Santana thanked her returning a kiss before going off to find the New Directions. Standing there Dani fist pumps the air running off with a smile on her face.

Giving her shoulders a squeeze Quinn smiled at the nervous girl who kept biting her thumb and rambled on about if they lost. Sighing she kissed her cheek and Rachel blushed easing up.

"Whether we win or lose we did it together, as a team." Quinn said, as the Warblers were called onto stage.

The Warblers were great, no surprise from their performance but the way Quinn and Rachel's voices were in sync caused Kurt to tear up. Santana stabbed the opposing team with daggers, that should've been them singing with Rachel. They were quite the pair, singing Candles by Hey Monday. When Dani was up to sing a solo Santana swore she was listening to the voice of an angel. Smiling from her seat she cheered when the song ended. Clapping louder than anyone else in the audience. Once they left the stage Santana went off to congratulate Dani but was cut short when Kurt grabbed her arm telling her they were on next.

Rachel was in awe listening to Tina's solo along with Santana and Kurt's duet. The New Directions really stepped their game up this time, frowning at seeing her friends on stage...without her she clapped along with the crowd trying not to let her damper mood show. Putting on a smile she ran up to Kurt once they finished, jumping into his arms. Getting spun around she congratulated them on their performance.

"Oh Rachel, that was nothing, but thank you." Kurt smiled at her seeing Quinn come up telling him how great they were.

"Trust me if it wasn't for Rachel we would be so tense and uptight. Right?" she smirked winking at her girlfriend. Blushing at her comment, her attention was brought to the judges announcing the winners. Gripping Quinn and Kurt's hands she already knew who she wanted to win in mind. Sharing a smile with each other Quinn and Kurt shook hands hearing the first place winning team. Hearing the New Directions over the mic Dani hugged Santana from behind whispering something in her ear. Pecking her cheek before rushing on stage with her team to collect their prize, the Warblers came in second place. After being congratulated Kurt pulled Rachel aside.

"So, are you coming out to celebrate with us? Or you are going to spend some alone time with Princess Charming." his voice gleefully nudged the smaller girl in the side playfully. Blushing, she said she would be joining them.

Finishing the last of her Fried Buffalo Cauliflower Rachel listened to Tina talk about her relationship with Mike. He was an excellent dancer and it strengthened the New Directions routine. She thought they looked cute together, her mind began to drift off to the thought of Quinn. She was dating Quinn Fabray. Sure they hung out in a group but Rachel only went on a few dates back when she dated Finn, and he always took her to Breadstix despite her being a vegan. Something he always seemed to forget. Sighing she just noticed how much she missed seeing her friends on a daily basis. Walking to class with them, even their slushie clean ups. Something she hasn't endured since her transfer, nearly 4 months slushie free. Not only did she miss Kurt, Mercedes, Tina and yes even Santana; McKinley was where the New Directions were. Where her home was.

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