Be Mine, Valentine

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Chugging down the last of her water Quinn sighed heavily. Gabriella was applying her lipstick. "That was some outfit Rachel had on." she commented putting away the make up looking over at the blonde. Lost in her thoughts Quinn didn't notice the lurking girl scoot closer. Her mind was still on Rachel's outfit, and their first disagreement. 'Of course I find her sexy! She not just her appearances though, she not a sexual object. She's Rachel Berry...' getting lost in her thoughts Gabriella stroked her shoulders.

"It was inappropriate." hearing the disgust in her voice, Quinn looked at her about to defend her friend when she felt a pair of lips against hers. Her first instinct was to pull away and leave, but she didn't see Gabriella making a move. She saw Rachel kissing her, moaning into the kiss she kissed back. Enjoying the moment she then felt her upper right thigh being squeezed. Pulling back both girls were flushed in the face. Pushing a strand of hair from her face Gabriella went in for another kiss.

"N-No, I can't. I'm not into you and I shouldn't have led you on." grabbing her bag beside her Quinn rushed out of the choir room. Stopping by the staircase she dropped onto the top step, her head in her hands, screaming internally frustration.

Getting their coffees Dani offered a heart shaped cookie with red frosting to Santana. "It's tacky and a sad excuse for romance." rolling her eyes at her snarky remark Dani claimed that it was a chance to confess to your crush, that you adore a certain person and only that person.

"Valentine's Day happens to be my favorite holiday." she smiled taking a sip of her Caramel Cappuccino, she offered the cookie again. This time Santana took a bite breaking it in half. Smiling satisfied, the two girls drink their beverages in peace discussing other holiday cliches.

February 14 came faster than expected. Heart shaped cut outs hung around the school, high school sweethearts exchanged gifts and a few got a little PDA in the halls. Love was in the air at McKinley High school. Santana was annoyed by the lovesick teenagers surrounding her. Even the New Directions were getting in on the action. Tina and Mike, Artie and Brittany, and newly official Sam and Mercedes. Kurt came strutting into the classroom on cloud nine waving around another Valentine's Day card. It's been going on all week, all signed; Yours Truly, K. That left Puck (currently), Finn, and her single. Like she would ever think of hooking up with either of those two doofes again. Seeing the two tree lumps walk in along with Mr. Schue they were all carrying a handful of gifts. All signed to her. Gathering around the gifts with the other members she picked up a small brown bear with a heart in its paws that said You're BEARable. Scotting at how lame it was she read the note;

Yours Valentine,


Blushing slightly Finn asked who Dani was, Puck put his two cents in chiming "It's San's new boo." Some of the girls were in awe and the guys smirked at her. Collecting the gifts she stuffed what she could into her bag. After sitting down for a few performances she went through the gifts carefully. Some were three bouquets of flowers in a variety of colors, ranging from light blue, to a dark shade of red and pink, and yellow. Hershey kisses, the silly bear and a CD. Giving the CD a double take it was signed by her favorite artist, Lady Gaga, her recent album the deluxe edition. Smiling from her thoughtfulness put into the gifts she sent Dani a text. Heading out she received a reply.

And you said it was tacky ;)

Eating lunch in the green yard Quinn's phone buzzed another with an incoming text. Not bothering to check who it was she took a sip of her Coke pondering her choices made lately. Hearing her phone ring she saw it was Dani, letting it ring until it went to voicemail. "I fucked up" she said to no one, itching to get her mind off what had happened. She hasn't seen Gabriella since the kiss nor spoken to Rachel since that day either. Getting another call from Dani she let it ring again, she knew something was up when Jane called her asking her to come to the choir room for an emergency Warbler meeting. Cursing, she gathered her belongings recycling the can.

Heels clicking against the floor, whispers filling the hallways Santana Lopez had made her way into Dalton Academy once again. Tapping the shoulder of a random student she was face to face with a raven hair girl.

"I'm looking for Dani Torres, any idea where she could be-" she started only to get interrupted.

"And may I ask who you are?" the girl said, giving Santana a run for her money with her mimicking the HBIC glare.

"I am Santana, now where is Dani." she asked again, stepping up to the girl with her arms across her chest. Smirking, Gabriella gave her info on where she could be.

Thanking her, Santana made her way up the spiral staircase, down, towards the elevators. Reaching floor # 5 she walked down a hallway that resembled a hotel walkway. Counting the door number she reached dorm 421. Gripping the handle she was a bit cautious to find the door unlocked. Walking in she nearly had a nosebleed to see Dani shirtless with her back facing her. "U-Uh..Sweet Jesus." turning her head to the voice, Dani shrieked covering her large breast.

"S-Sorry!" caught like she had her hands in the cookie jar Dani smirked at her. Asking if Santana liked the view all they could do was nod her head 'yes'. Chuckling Dani excused herself going into the bathroom. Sitting on her bed after 10 minutes she came out in a fresh Warbler's uniform adjusting her tie. Going over to her, Santana helped her pull her closer by tugging on the garment. Smirking at each other she thanked her for the gifts.

"They were cheesy, but cute."

"Yeah but you are cute. No, you are gorgeous." blushing Santana told Dani to guess her Valentine's Day gift. Taking a guess she was wrong and received a kiss on the cheek instead, along with a bouquet of several flowers; alstroemeria, asters, and delphiniums.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Ms. Romantic." Santana said as Dani smiled back before gently taking her hand. It was a start for them.  

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