Transfer Pt. 1

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"If you mention this to anyone, I'll kill you" growled Karofsky, pushing his finger into Rachel's chest. Her face had whiten and she didn't have the strength to even defend herself. Smirking, he left the scared girl to her thoughts but wasn't aware of Kurt Hummel lingering near. He had witnessed the neanderthal harassing his friend again, Karofsky could pick on him all he wanted but no one messed with his friends. Marching up to her he didn't have to speak to know that she was still shaken up from whatever he had said to her. Opening his arms Rachel clung to him crying into his chest. In between sobs she mumbled what had just taken place. Attempting to calm her down he rubbed her back yet she only seemed to break down more.

"H-He threatened to kill me." burying her face into his chest, his high quality Vogue jacket was drenched in tears. Not caring he let her ruin his clothes letting the emotionally drained girl cry her heart out. Since the hate page began Rachel hasn't been able to go a second without finding out what they were saying nor was she able to stop their toxic words from affecting her. It's been keeping her up at night, though she was relieved that Quinn stayed up most of the time to message her. Some nights she even sang her a lullaby till she fell asleep. Kurt escorted her to class suggesting she report him to Principal Figgins again, sighing she argued saying it was pointless. Watching the girl who used to get nearly every solo in glee just shut down, well that wasn't the Rachel Berry he knew at all.

"Rachel...please if not for me, then for your well being. When my father found out that Karofsky was picking on me, well he nearly beat him to a bloody pulp." sharing his run ins with the bully. Sniffing, she asked if he knew why Karofsky was targeting him. That left Kurt silent, he had promised he wouldn't out the guy yet he knew it would probably help Rachel in her case. Following his gut he told her to report the threat to the school board before hugging her one last time as he hurried off to spanish.

Growing restless throughout the day Rachel ignored any text or notification from her phone. Didn't attempt to participate in glee or bother eating lunch with Kurt and the rest. She was alone, and she couldn't keep calling up Quinn whenever she had an issue. Sitting by the piano in the choir room she played a low key that hummed. Blind to the fact that a certain someone aside from Kurt had noticed her behavior that day. Leaning against the doorway Santana watched the girl played My Skin by Natalie Merchant, it almost broke the bad ass girl's heart. She never saw Berry so beaten down next to getting slushied by that T-Rex Hudson. Stepping away she messaged Dani asking if Quinn talked to Rachel today, if anyone knew what was up it was her.

"Not that I heard of, is everything alright?" she answered leaving the girl a bit stuck. Typing back she asked to meet her with Quinn at the Lima Bean after the last period. Receiving a photo of a pair of lingerie she was interested in buying, Santana held her nose cursing to herself. Although, she had to admit it was wanky.

Once she finished the song Rachel had gotten up to stretch. All this sadness was beginning to weigh her down. It would not be in her favor in the long run, it could add stress which would lead up to possible vocal damage. Fuck! She was over thinking this whole thing. What did David Karofsky have to gain anyhow by taunting her and her friends, sure Mercedes and Tina didn't get as much bullshit but Kurt and her were his main victims. And even if it was because of her diva like attitude she wasn't going to let them get to her. Though she knew she could not deal with this for much longer. Looking around the room she saw a choir poster saying;

Glee it's a place for everyone! that reminded her of what Quinn said the first day they met.

"Just in this bubble of safety where no one bullies anyone. Just a safety blanket..." pulling out her cell phone she cleared all notifications going to google. Typing in Dalton Academy in Ohio the school came up in the first ten results. Chewing on her bottom lip she began to do some research on Dalton's academics and track record. It was a bit of a jump, but still an option. She was only a junior and Dalton had an admired glee club, it had advanced classes, and mainly it had Quinn and Dani. Saving the information, she gathered and grabbed the strap on her messenger bag making her way home.

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