A Song, A Kiss

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Finishing up the last line to Bills, Bills, Bills Jane clapped her hands in excitement. "I say we are ready for regionals." The Warblers were pumped about Regionals being one week away. Clearing her throat Quinn hopped out her seat and faced the excited glee members.

"I like to make a request. I have come to my conclusion that every glee club that is competing at Regionals is only performing one duet." there was a pause, "If it's not too much to ask, I like to sing another duet...with Rachel." she finished flashing a smile in her direction. Rachel's mouth dropped slightly in awe to the sound of her name, meeting her eye. She looked down feeling the other Warblers eyes glance over at her, some were harsher stares than others. The other members were quick to disagree stating that it wasn't Quinn and the Pips. Jane held her hand up quieting them down.

"While your request is last minute, why did you request a duet with Rachel?" she questioned, already knowing the answer in mind. Quinn began to list of reasons why Rachel and her duet would be great for Regionals. 1) It take the judges by surprise, 2) Rachel has the skill in vocal range to hit a G key which was rare in most cases, 3) She dedicates her life to Glee and 4) She was the brightest star in the New Directions. Taking her seat Jane pondered the decision, calling a vote there was 11 in favor and 2 opposed.

"It's settled, Quinn, Rachel enjoy your duet. I expect to be blown away at the competitions." Jane said dismissing the club.

Tapping her shoulder, Rachel smiled at the taller girl. Smiling a little she asked her if she was free this evening to go over song ideas.

"Of course, I'm always free for you-Uh I mean yeah." catching herself she felt her cheeks turning to different shades of pink. Noticing Dani watching them, the girl gave Quinn a thumbs up and a wink before leaving with the others. Left alone the two sat down and began to brainstorm.

Having a one sided game of footsie Dani watched Santana stir her soda for the third time since she got it. She had called her asking if she wanted to grab a bite to eat, claiming it wasn't a date. Saying yes either way Dani mentioned how Quinn is gaining the guts to ask Rachel, leading to her requesting a duet between the two of them.

"It was really sweet the way she praised Rachel. You guys better look out, the Warblers are going to wipe the floor with New Directions." she said playfully. Shrugging her shoulders Santana sat back in her seat, her mind off somewhere else. "Why so glum San?" Dani offered a hand not getting a change in pace.

"Well now that you mention all the excitement with Berry, it didn't hit me until now how much the New Directions need Rachel back. Plus...Kurt misses her, and I do too." she mumbled the last part before sitting up threatening "Don't you dare tell her I said that. Or I will go all Lima Heights on your cute ass." smirking at her compliment, they shared a basket of fries. Nibbling on a fry Dani wanted to ask about the other day, and Santana denied them being on a date. She wanted to know what she meant to her. Were they friends with benefits? Just flirting or a one-sided crush. But friends don't look at each other that way.

Taking note of the girl's quiet manner she poked her arm asking if everything was okay. "Yes, now Ms. Lima Heights tells me more about McKinley Cheerios." raising an eyebrow she began with their hellbound coach Sue Sylvester.

"Is it true that all the Cheerios don't wear underwear or purposely wear their uniforms a size smaller?" Dani questioned with a perverted smirk.

"No, and don't get any ideas missy." Santana warned, licking her lips as Dani chuckled remembering when she first saw Santana in her cheerio uniform.

Getting a book for Mr. Schue's class, Santana's eye warned Karofsky. Since Berry had transferred things were peaceful, oddly enough he toned down the bullying and was mainly aggressive on the team. Most rumors said it was because the FBI were watching him, but that was all bullshit. Whatever gave that big lump a change of heart was good doing. Though she never expects it to be someone.

As Karofsky walked down the halls he looked down at Kurt Hummel getting a drink from the water fountain. His skinny red jeans were doing wonders for his curves. And for a guy he had quite the ass. Gasping to notice that his eyesight lingered on and he was biting at his lip. 'Holy crap, he has a thing for Hummel or at least guys in a way.' she thought as her lips curved into a smirk. If there was one thing she was great at, it was blackmailing bitches.

"I know you're gay Karofsky." she said, taking a sip of her drink. Telling him to go with her to the Lima Bean he nearly knocked his chair over. "W-What are you talking about?! I ain't no faggot?" he became defensive sweat starting to show on his pores. Catching the bait she gave him her laid out plan. Form a program that protects underdogs and kids on the bottom of the social pyramid from the Cheerios and jocks, make some changes, show Berry the progress at the school and soon enough she'll want to transfer back.

"And what do I get out of it? She left because of me, remember?" he put a few holes in her plan. Sighing she restarted making changes in school and him signing a contract. Along with the chances of a date with Kurt. Biting his lip from hearing his name Karofsky agreed but only after they got Rachel back to McKinley.

"Oh and don't forget Homecoming is soon, we'll win for sure." she said with a cocky smirk.

Walking into the choir room Quinn smiled at the sight of Rachel going through music sheets. They had just finished their third practice and wanted to take a break. Handing her a bottle of water and taking a seat beside her they made small talk.

"I really like how your voice is in the chorus. It fits well and I could listen to you sing all day-" catching herself again, she took a breath. "Rachel, this duet has just...been an excuse to spend more time with you." Quinn paused, placing her hand on top of hers. Giving her hand a squeeze Rachel's smile grew. Her palms felt sweaty and she could've sworn she was dreaming, but she wasn't. So she did what she was craving for the past months.

"You can kiss me if you want to." and she did. Her lips tasted like coconut lip gloss, soft and smooth. Better than any kiss she had with Finn or Puck. Pulling back they looked at each other, smiling red in the face.

"W-We should get back to practicing." Quinn suggested leaning back in her chair.

"I thought we were." Rachel countered her statement. Sharing a glance, they went in for another kiss. They practiced that often.

Strumming the intro to her song Dani was stuck on the chorus. Along with the pacing of the song. Placing the guitar down she read over the lyrics, written messy on her half torn notebook. Smiling at the words she had written. Santana was on her mind. 

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