Love And Other Games

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Helping Dani put up flyers for the Valentine's Day dance Quinn asked if she was going to ask Santana out. Dani stopped pinning up a flier saying she didn't want to talk about it.

"Well Dani if you don't you'll just hold it in. You know what that does to you." reminded her friend, shrugging she questioned if she had asked Rachel out yet. Blushing she said that they were still good friends and it was cliche to ask her out around this time of the year. Nudging each other they hung up the rest of the flyers. Just as she was finishing up Gabriella walked in their direction with a smile plastered across her face. Wishing her luck Dani stayed close in case she tried anything, though Quinn could handle herself. Gabriella asked how their day was. Making one-word comments she fiddled with Quinn's tie leaning in close. Pushing her away she made it clear that she was not interested in any of her offers and that she would like it if she could respect her, by keeping her grimy hands to herself.

"But Quinnie is still singing the duet right?" she pouted making her bust seem more bigger with her arms pushing them together. Biting her tongue she nodded her head, excusing her and Dani. Gabriella looked at the dance flier tearing one down.

Turning a corner Quinn sighed relief Dani watched her slide down the wall. "Isn't it obvious that I am interested in Rachel or does she just ignore everything?" frustrated she loosened her tie letting it hang off her neck. Patting her back Dani said that some people don't know how to take no for an answer.

"And this is why we have so many cases of rape, sexual assault. Shall I go on?" Quinn began to list on, getting her point. She pointed out that if she perhaps asked Rachel to the dance then Gabriella would back off. Turning down her idea Quinn stated that she doesn't want to use Rachel in that way. Smiling at how much of a sap her friend was, Dani wondered if McKinley was having any dances coming up.

Going with Dani to McKinley again Quinn thought back to her last time there. That Karofsky douchebag was here roaming the halls freely while Rachel was at Dalton. Sure she was with her and safe but this is where the New Directions were.

"Why are those school girls always popping up here!?" exclaimed a random boy in a letterman jacket pumping past Dani. Quinn nearly tore his head off, making him apologize Dani pulled her dragging her away. Grumbling that she should've left him a black eye, Dani asked her to breathe. Counting to 10 in her head Quinn opened her eyes to her friend walking away. Looking around a corner she saw Santana alone attempting not to cry right there, down the hall a blonde walking away with her head down. Putting the pieces together she ran down the hall after the hurt girl. Catching up to Dani who was waiting in her car Quinn hugged her close.

"I thought that maybe we could be something more over time. She...she's not over her. How much am I a fool for thinking I stood a chance?" letting her tears fall she rested against Quinn's chest. Thinking back to the party, and how Dani came back to their dorm over the moon about their performance at Santana's house it didn't add up.

"I think...that she is over her, just hit reality that maybe she was her first love but Santana's wasn't hers. I don't know their history but I do know that there is chemistry between the two of you." nodding Quinn continued on. "Talk to her, I know you want to be her girlfriend. Try being a friend first. That's how you get the girl." smirking playfully Dani hugged her close, thanking her. Wiping her tears she drove them back to the school. Gripping the steering wheel Dani envied the fact that she will never be Santana's first love. By the time they got back to Dalton she was drained from earlier crashing on her bed. Quinn was on her side reading on her kindle. Hearing a bing echo throughout the room Quinn looked over at Dani waiting for a response. When it didn't come she got off the bed quietly as possible, reached over for her cell and read the notification from her lockscreen. It was from Santana, 4 text messages and two missed calls. Not wanting to intrude on her privacy she placed the phone back where it was and tucked it in the for night.

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