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I opened the door to my office and sat down in my chair. Today was an important day because I was going to help Toby with some of his merch and I had to talk with people that were really fucking good at my job so I'm very nervous. I had a zoom call at 1 and it was 10 so I had some time to waste so I called Tommy and Wilbur.

Tommy was quick to answer and said "Hello woman!" It startled me by him screaming although I should be used to it by now. "Hey toms, How's your new flat?" Tommy had just moved into a flat, that was close to mine, a few weeks ago. I helped him unpack too. "Good, are you coming to the meetup?" Tommy asked with a quietish voice (I think I mentioned this in an earlier chapter just can't find it or I didn't but we're gonna pretend that Y/n knew about the meetup) "Yeah Will asked me to." I answered him with a smile but he couldn't see.

I heard a ding Wilbur joined the call "Love!" I laughed at him and said "Will!" I heard another ding which meant that someone else also joined the call. My eyes darted to the new profile on the discord call which was Jschlatt I didn't know him but Wilbur introduced me. "Hi," I said waving a little but again he couldn't see me "Hey." He had an American accent which threw me off because Tommy wasn't one to like Americans. "How's America?" I asked in a joking tone "It's great." We both chuckled then Wilbur spoke up "Schlatt is a great man, by the way, N/n. If I wasn't dating you I would date Schlatt." The call burst into laughter and I slapped my hand onto my desk because I was laughing so hard. "Fine then go on leave me." If we broke up I wasn't expecting it would last very long we would be back together in an hour or two "Okay whoever shows any kind of affection to the other first loses." Wilbur said with somewhat confidence he would win "Deal." I had forgotten about the call until one of my alarms went off signaling It was time to join the call and get my shit together "I've got to go boys I'll call you guys later." I got a bye from Tommy and Schlatt then Wilbur said "Bye Y/n." I got a little thrown off since I wasn't used to him calling me Y/n.

The call seemed to go fine and I was a little less stressed because Toby was there and it was only four people in the call including me and Toby. The call lasted for two or three hours and once it was done I decided I was going to go home and relax while Maddie and Pluto were at work.

I unlocked the door and to my surprise, I saw Pluto sitting on the sofa talking to someone else "N/n! Hi, you're home early." I nodded and sat my bag down on the shoe rack while I took my boots off also setting those on the shoe rack "What's this about?" I said tilting my head in the direction where the woman was sitting "Oh I decided I was going to buy a new car so I'm talking with her and getting advice since she's one of my friends from college." I nodded again and smiled at the woman.

I went to my room and watched Hamilton for the fourth time in the past three weeks then came back downstairs after. Pluto was still sitting on the sofa only this time without the woman "Hey what was that about?" I asked knowing they weren't actually going to buy a new car "I already told you." I shook my head not buying it and sat down beside them "Dad is in the hospital and he wants me to take over the business." Bryce's parents had owned a cosmetics company then when they died it was passed onto Bryce and Shirley and Maddie already has enough in her life going on to take over it. "Are you going to do it?" I asked but then immediately regretted it "I have to. Maddie's not going to take it." Pluto had their head in their hands and seemed like they were on the verge of tears "It's going to be alright." I tried to comfort them the best I could.

Hi lovely people might be able to get two chapters in today but no promises

Office boy ( Wilburxreader)Where stories live. Discover now