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if i wrote a full zhongluc story,,, would anyone read it?? i have a whole idea on it but i would like to ask the zhongluc nation themselves ‼️‼️.

i have a few ideas so if you cuties would be so kind to help pick that'd be nice

idea 1;
modern au zhglc (zhongluc) in highschool. they happen to sit in the same seats in one of their classes and they leave notes for each other to read.

will include:
- tooth rotting fluff
- chaeya mentions
- close diluc and kaeya (i need them to be brothers again)
- easily flustered diluc

story 2;
also modern au zhglc as adults. zhongli decides to take a nightly art class and the nude model they happen to have is insanely attractive???

will include:
- kind of cold diluc (he warms up to zhongli in no time)
- persistent zhongli who can't take no for an answer
- diluc, itto and kaeya as friends
- platonic chili + aether
- mild nsfw mentions

please vote on these my lovelies, i am craving a zhongluc story and if nobody will write it I WILL.

and if u also have any other ideas please comment under here!!!

tysm cuties, i'll have a chapter here for ya soon !

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