14 The Jewel 14

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Asphare pov

That stupid red ninja almost ruined my plans on taking Lloyd. But with him taken by his friends, I had all the time in the world for Lloyd. I grabbed his body and laid him in one of the many rooms available. His appearance was already changing. His blond hair turned jet black while his skin got paler. He rested there while I had to talk to another guest. I walk down the enormous building to see the cell.

"Won't budge Wu?"

"You won't get any information for me."

"Is that so? It's gonna be a bad day for Lloyd. On the verge of death itself." I said dramatically.

The old man tensed up. I got him where I needed him.

"Please don't hurt him."

"Then give me the information.Tell me where the golden weapons are."

"They are in the monastery. Now don't hurt my nephew."

I turned my back on him replying, " Oh don't worry. Lloyd will be safe with me."

Lloyd POV

I woke up in a room not knowing my surroundings. All I remember was Asphare but that's about it. There was this feeling inside me that grew. The feeling of destruction.Was I really scared of destruction? Because it feels so good. I got up from the bed and opened the door to find Asphare close by.

"Glad to see you woke up. How do you feel?"

"I don't know." He held out his hand to get me out of bed and we started walking through the monastery.

"It's ok I will tell you everything." We walked through the giant resort to the outside garden. Usually I would feel some glee or content feeling being outside with all living things but now it feels overwhelming alive to the point we're my powers started killing the plants and decaying the fruit trees.

"Do you remember anything?"

"No, I really don't know anything. Not even my name."

"It's ok my oni. You will be safe with me and claim the land." I looked at him confused and he chuckled.

"I need to rule this world and you are the person I need. Your power of destruction can turn any living thing dead or serve you. I need you to rule this world Lloyd. So will you join me?"

"If it means ruling this world, then of course I will. What shall I do first?"

"First thing tonight, you steal the four golden weapons from the ninja."

Whoever these Ninja are, they won't know what's coming.


"Are we there yet?" Jay kept repeating to ask over and over again. It's too early for this. Currently it's 6 in the morning and we are flying to Mount Nidmro, the tallest mountain in Ninjago. The ride here was very cold but it will be a lot worse getting up. No one has survived this mountain so seeing 6 people alive while be a miracle. I was sitting in one of the bunker beds laying there heartbroken. I could still feel how his body limped in my arms as the venom consumed him. His emerald eyes were shining at me for the last time as he told me he loved me. He loved me. And I loved him too. So much. My eyes couldn't hold back the tears; they budged threw and fell down my face. My emerald, I can't lose you. I kept crying under my sheets thinking of him. I've lost so many people and Lloyd can't be one of them. I wiped a few falling teardrops away to look outside the window to see we aren't that far from Mount Nidmro. I go into the bathroom and splash water on my face. Calm down Kai, you can't give up now. He might be out there. I just need any source of hope at this point.

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