eight | family reunion

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2023 | MUMBAI

TRAVELING THROUGH A PORTAL, the five stepped foot in Mumbai, where Kingo was located. In Mumbai, the sun was already shining as it was a weird transition from night to daytime, but Calista was used to it with her portals.

For a moment, her mind slipped to the infinite memories she had of travelling: a long-stretched honeymoon with Thomas, moments of educating Daisy with the wonders of the world, and then Calista's years of travels with Makkari.

"Nannie?" Nina questioned, taking hold of Calista's arm as they walked through the Bollywood film set. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Calista forced a smile. "I'll be okay, Nina. You don't have to worry about me."

"You never let anyone worry about you, Nannie," said Nina. "But I do."

Calista felt awkward, eyes falling on the three who walked in front that could hear the whole conversation. The last time she had seen Sersi and Sprite was on her wedding day; Ikaris had been the night the Eternals split up.

"I will be okay when the Deviants are extinct and our family are safe again, Nina," Calista told her great-granddaughter. When Daisy is healthy again too.

Though, Calista's mood was lifted slightly (and she would never admit it) at the sight of Kingo filming for his latest Bollywood film. Calista stood next to Sersi, who was just as impressed as she was.

"Welcome," a man greeted them. "I am Karun Patel." He chuckled, face crinkling with so much joy. "Kingo's valet. It's truly an honour to be in the presence of the great Eternals."

"I'm Nina," she offered her hand, where the two shook hands. "Unfortunately, I'm not an Eternal, but I'm the great-granddaughter of Calista."

"An honour still," Karun repeated. "Truly."

"Cut," Kingo finally spoking, ending the scene. "Okay, everyone, that was good."

There was applause as a bell rang with Calista following suit to be polite. Finally seeing them, Kingo squealed as Calista's applause died out.

"My friends from college are here!" Kingo announced.

Kingo and Ikaris hugged first. "Hello, boss! Perfect timing! Welcome to the set of... Legend of Ikaris," said Kingo, seeming pleased with himself. "I'm playing you! You like the costume?"

"We need to talk," Ikaris said instead.

"Tell the director I have some notes for him..."

"We need to talk to you in private," Sprite suggested.

"Oh, Karun?" Kingo replied, thinking they meant away from his valet. "He's worked with me for fifty years. I trust him completely," then he turned to Calista, chuckling. "Actually, when we first met, he thought I was a vampire, and he tried to stake me through the heart."

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