fourteen | one last miracle

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Yet, it was like stepping back in time with her home from seventy years ago. The street was not overcrowded nor was there constant noise pollution. Above Calista, the sun shined down, giving the impression of summer.

If this was death, then Calista did not mind it.

"Calista, Darling?"

Hearing his voice, Calista felt her chest tighten. She was almost too afraid to turn around, but she embraced her fear. Standing before her eyes was her Thomas, so alive with his dashing smile and bright, happy blue eyes.

"Thomas?" Calista sobbed his name.

Thomas did not look happy, though. "You should not be here, my love."

"What? This is our home?" Calista reminded him. "Do you not want to see me?"

"Oh, Darling, of course I want to see you," said Thomas. "I have missed you."

The palm of his hands opened, desperately reaching for Calista, but still hesitant too. Calista could not find the words as she hurried towards him, finding instant comfort as his arms wrapped around her. There were tears, but they were from joy as Calista laughed, the sound being silenced as her lips collided with his.

Thomas's hands cupped her cheeks, wiping the tears away as he peppered her face with soft kisses.

"You are still as beautiful as I remember," Thomas told her, fingers touching the material of her Eternal armour with a curious, yet bemused expression. "This is new."

Calista's smiled, becoming shy. "Do you not like it?"

"Of course, I do," said Thomas. "Because it is you, Calista."

"My Thomas, I have missed you," Calista confessed, eyes softening with the grief from all these years disappearing. "It's been so hard."

"I know," Thomas sympathised. "I have hated seeing you so sad when I could not comfort you."

Calista gasped. "You've been close?"

"Always," Thomas promised, placing his hand above Calista's heart. "I've always been here, Darling, but you were never supposed to join me."

"It's okay," Calista decided. "Maybe this is where I should be."

"No, it is not," Thomas told her. "Calista, you and I always knew our story would end like this. Humans die, but you are an Eternal, my love. You are destined for so much more than to be here with me."

"Being an Eternal is not what it once was," Calista confessed. "There is no Olympia, nor do I exist as I thought, Thomas. I've lived for billions of years with each life, my mind wiped after. We've been here all this time to prepare Earth for it to be destroyed."

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