Chapter 24

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Hey, guys! Yes, yes, I know, it's been a long time since I've updated. I want to be honest with you guys, and I have to admit, I was originally going to scrap this story (I know, I know). But because of you guys' endless support and encouragements, I decided to throw that idea out the window and continue with this. Well, it's been long overdue and I hope you enjoy this part and happy reading!


I smirked to myself as I headed back to my dorm. Prying Hiccup for details on how his "date" went was surprisingly easy (I thought I was going to have to blackmail him into telling me by me threatening him that I would send a box of stuffed eel toys to his house for his cat, Toothless). It turns out that the guy is head over heels for Merida. I know. Shocker, right? Who knew that their "date" would actually be considered a date for Hiccup? I'm not sure how Merida felt about the whole thing, but from what Anna and Rapunzel excitedly told me, she seemed to have the same reaction as Hiccup did (I mean, she did kiss him. I'm no love expert, but that's got to say something).

I got the keys to my dorm room and jangled the lock open.

Okay, enough about relationship dilemmas and back to work, I thought to myself as I dumped my backpack near my bed. I whistled a tune as I went to grab my art project from underneath my bed, underneath a whole lot of miscellaneous things (just to make sure that no one would get suspicious of me having a large piece of paper under my bed. It helps with the whole "messy" vibe. And also... I'm just too lazy to clean all this junk up).

I rifled through a stack of graded English papers and some biology homework. Despite the huge mess under my bed, I knew exactly where my project was: Under an old flyer for a fundraiser that was held at the school.

When I saw the old flyer, I grinned to myself. Yep, exactly where I left it. I lifted it to grab my art project when a wave of panic seized me. My eyes widened in alarm. I checked again and again. No, this couldn't be happening. Not when I was so close.

I searched through all of the other papers and came up with the same result. I could feel my chest tightening and my breaths coming in short, quick gasps. Nononononononononononono. You have got to be kidding me. This couldn't be real. It had to be just a nightmare I would soon wake up from.

It wasn't there.

My art project was gone.

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