Chapter Eleven - A Promise

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At that point, James knocked at the conservatory door and informed me that the new clothes for the girls had been delivered. "Go and get yourselves dressed," I told Emily and Naomi. "The car will be ready in fifteen minutes. Should you need to stop at your flat on the way into University, inform the driver."

"Yes, Sir."

Naomi hesitated when Elizabeth did not join them but I just looked at her and said, "Buzz." This didn't have anything to do with her and it was up to Elizabeth to tell her friends if she wanted.

"Come with me," I told Elizabeth, once the others had gone. A second car will be available to take you into town later."

I led her along through the house and into my office.

"Roll a chair across," I told her as I sat down. I do not generally allow visitors to my office to sit. It just encourages malingering, wasting my time and their own. But I do keep a couple of chairs against a wall and there is the executive sofa suite in the corner for more casual discussions.

"Thank you for what you did for Emily earlier," Elizabeth said as she sat down.

"That one has got clingy written all over her," I replied with a bit of a snarl. "I know about 'droit du seigneur' and so on..." Elizabeth smiled at the reference. It looks like her Feminist Studies course is of some use, after all... "but I can hardly imagine that the dubious pleasure of claiming that one's maidenhead would be worth all the subsequent aggravation!"

She gave a completely uncharacteristic giggle at that and we turned our attention to the photos. It only took a couple of minutes to find a copy. They were primitive and crudely pornographic - you could just tell that they'd been taken in a crumby bedsit by a pimply youth who had no idea what he was doing. Nonetheless, Elizabeth's schoolgirl innocence shone through.

But the most striking aspect of the pictures was how slender and attractive the younger Elizabeth had been. "You have put on a fair bit of weight since then," I said, trying, uncharacteristically, to be sensitive and diplomatic.

I may as well not have bothered. My words still brought tears to her eyes.

"There've been times when stuffing my face was pretty much the only thing that'd make it go away," she explained.

"That is coming to an end," I turned and looked into her eyes to reinforce my words. "As of today, you belong to me..."

"I do not belong to you!" she exploded.

I was quiet for a while then gently said, "Bend over my desk and raise your shirt. Then place your palms and forehead flat on the tabletop."

The frustration burnt across her face but she did as she was told.

"Would you do this if anyone else told you to?" I asked as I moved to stand next to that substantial bottom."

"Of course not!" With an enormous effort of will, she succeeded in keeping her voice on just the right side of a snarl.

"So I own you. Fortunately for you, I do not intend to abuse that power..." I gave her a sharp, little slap that made her yelp. I had to, really. If ever a bottom was made for slapping, that was it!

"Well... not excessively!" I added with a smile. "You may return to your seat."

She did as she was told, trying to hide her own smirk!

"So... you belong to me." I went on, "and, consequently, he no longer has any power over you."

I held her eye until I had forced the words, "Yes, Sir," out of her.

"Incidentally, I intend to release you, one day. But that will not be until we have taken back control of your body."

She thought about this and then said, "Yes, Sir."

"And, to that end, I am going to put you in touch with a lifestyle coach. You and she will agree on a diet plan and an exercise regime and you will follow them both faithfully. I have already told you that I will be having the three of you kept under observation. Should you deviate from the agreed regime, I will punish you severely."

She puffed up like a balloon, wanting to protest, but I simply met her eye, daring her to say anything.

And at last she collapsed. The balloon had had all the air let out of it.

"Now I have the photographs, we should have no trouble taking them down and they..."

"But they're all over the internet," she protested in a wail.

I went quiet for a moment, looking straight into her eyes. "I appreciate that you are upset," I told her. "But that is the last time that you will ever... ever... interrupt me without there being painful consequences."

"I'm sorry," she said as I continued to hold her eye. "I'm sorry, Sir."

"You will be, if it ever happens again!"

At least this helped her to forget how upset she was.

"There are a number of organisations that specialise in more sophisticated internet searches of this kind."

I could tell she wanted to say something so I gave her a nod of permission.

"But they're all in Russia and places. I asked them to take them down but they basically just laughed at me and told me to send them money... or more photos."

"You were negotiating from a position of weakness; my agents will not be doing so. With a credible threat to bring down their website... or, more likely, to disrupt their payment facilities... they will be falling over themselves to take the pictures down and permanently delete them."

"Thank you," she said in a small voice.

"Not at all," I replied. "You have fallen into my hands. I take care of my property."

She nodded.

"Now the perpetrator," I went on. "What is his name?"

"Micky," she replied.

I gave her a bit of a look and she gave me his full name and even managed a partial address. "Excellent," I said. "That is more than sufficient to have him located."

"But isn't it all much too late for courts and prosecution and things?" she asked.

I laughed gently at her naïveté. "I have no intention of using the courts to deal with this particular creep," I assured her, "and the kind of punishment I have in mind would be deemed 'cruel and unusual' in most jurisdictions around the world."

It took her a moment to understand what I was saying but, when she got there, she gave a particularly menacing smile.

"I take it that means that you would like to participate in the swine's punishment?"

"If I can!"

"I will see what can be arranged. Now, do you have any further questions?"

"I don't think so."

"Then go and get yourself ready. The car will be waiting. Just let the driver know where you need to go."

She stood up and pushed the chair back against the wall but then, on impulse, she sat on my lap and put her arms round my neck. "Thank you," she said. She sounded like a very little girl when she said it.

"You are most welcome," I replied, rubbing her back. "As I say, I take care of my own."

"And... I guess... Thank you for the diet thing, too. I know you're right, really."

"I always am."

I phoned James and told him to come and collect her - it was a substantial house and she was liable to get lost if she tried to find the bedroom on her own. Then I helped her to her feet and sent her on her way with another slap on that enormous bottom. I really could not be expected to resist. It was just begging for it!

I spent a few minutes instructing one of the agencies that I had used in the past with respect to Elizabeth's photographs before turning my attention to my own work.

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