Chapter Fourteen - A little Light Relief

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I had the little pixie up early the next morning so that she could join me for a run before university. It was raining and generally rather unpleasant and she managed to wordlessl let me know that she was not particularly enthusiastic. I was not overly concerned by that. I do not, as a rule, demand enthusiasm - merely uncomplaining compliance!

Running in the rain is extremely uncomfortable for the first couple of minutes so my involuntary companion was silently sullen and sulky as we made our way down across the formal lawn with its flower beds and carefully cropped trees and bushes.

But, once you get past that initial unpleasantness, it has a certain masochistic pleasure all of its own. There is a limit to how wet you can get and modern, technical clothing ensures that you stay warm. So, by the time we reached the wilder parts of the garden, with its pond and trees, the little pixie was starting to relax and I knew that she was covertly enjoying the experience when she thought I was not watching.

There was a guard waiting for us at the garden gate. He swung it open and as we ran through, he gave us a smart salute. Of course, that was too much for her and a hint of a grin leaked out.

Upon reaching the top of the hill, we stopped for a moment to enjoy the nonexistent view and the pixie must have completely forgotten that she was supposed to be feeling grumpy because she gave me a broad smile. I could not resist drawing her into a soggy hug which drew an amusing little squeak.

Then we set off back down the hill.

At the end of our run, the customary wet-weather supply of towels and bath-robes was waiting for us in the rear lobby - James's way of letting me know that he does not want water to be traipsed through the house. So I turned round and quickly changed.

But, when I turned back, the pixie was performing an extraordinary set of contortions.

"What on Earth are you doing?" I asked.

"We always used to do a set of warm down stretches after our runs," she explained.

"Fair enough, but get those wet clothes off or you're going to make yourself ill."


"This is a private part of the house so nobody will come in here without my express permission. Now strip!"

She looked at me for a moment then shrugged and did as she was told, stripping down until she was wearing nothing but a pair of knickers. I took one of the towels and started to rub it through her hair, then enjoyed the display as she carried on with her stretches.

When she had finished, I wrapped the dressing gown around her. "Shower!" I said.

"Race you!" she replied as she scurried towards the stairs.

"We're in the conservatory," I called after her. The little pixie had mentioned that she preferred eating breakfast there, rather than in the intensely formal dining hall, and I was prepared to indulge her in that small way.

I was down first, though not by much, and had only just started my coffee when she appeared. I had to smile when I saw her. Her hair was still damp and tousled and she had evidently just thrown on the first clothes she could find.

And she was bubbly and fresh and alive and it struck me that she was so much more attractive than the overly made-up and artificial girls I see all the time in my clubs.

I poured coffee for her and we looked out over the soggy garden in a comfortable silence as we recovered from our run. James appeared with breakfast - I occasionally allow myself the indulgence of bacon and eggs when I know I have earnt it - and we set too with enthusiasm.

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