Chapter Thirty - Love

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The next morning, when I woke, I found myself smiling into a pair of shiny, green pixie eyes. When she saw I was awake, she snuggled into my shoulder. Somehow, she seemed to fit in there very naturally. Before I knew what was happening, my arms had slipped around her waist and it was only then that I recalled that she was naked!

The night before, when we were both completely finished, I had gently washed off the intensively used and abused bits that were visible through the opening, then released her from the shell. She was so exhausted by the experience that she was almost asleep. I'd managed to slip my own boxers back on but I had not bothered to cover up that delicious body. I had simply carried it along to my bed.

"So, what did you think of my shell?" I asked her as she snuggled comfortably into my shoulder.

She had to think about that for a while before answering, "I enjoyed it much more than my brain says I ought to."

I smiled at that but then noticed she had gone quiet and her forehead was wrinkling up so I asked, "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

She had to think about it for a while but I was supremely comfortable, lying there with her nestled into my shoulder, so I ran my hand over her bare bottom to reassure her there was no rush.

"You can do anything you like with me..." she told me at last, "anything at all... but I really don't like the idea of you doing that sort of stuff with other girls."

I had to think about that but I carried on with my stroking to let her know that I was not unhappy with what she had said.

"Well, I could imagine having to discipline Emily or Elizabeth..." I answered at last... "and I reserve the right to play my games with all three of you together..." The wonderful shade of red her ears turned told me that she had enjoyed the game of 'Simultaneous Orgasm' much more than she was ever going to admit. She tried to bury her head in my shoulder in embarrassment but her bottom was far too exposed for me to let her get away with that... "but, with those two provisos, I agree to be exclusively yours."

She gave a little squeak of pleasure then rolled up on top of me, kneeling across my hips. She took my face in her tiny hands and started covering it in little kisses.

"Thank you so much," she gasped when she came up for air. "I think I love you!"

I took her by her shoulders and eased her up so I could look into her eyes. "You really shouldn't," I told her seriously.

"I know that!" She gave a bit of a shrug. "But I just can't help it."

She dropped back down onto me once more except that, this time, she was rubbing her naked bits all over me.

And my hands slipped naturally down to her bottom to let her know that I was more than happy for her to continue!

Considerably later, we set out for our run.

It was a cold, wet, generally unpleasant morning - with heavy, chilling raindrops falling from a leaden sky. I don't really mind running in that sort of weather - it takes me a couple of minutes to get used to it but, once I get into the right mindset, I find I can transcend the immediate unpleasantness.

But I do find myself sinking into my own thoughts.

Even if I am in the company of a bubbly little pixie who doesn't even seem to have noticed the horrible weather and is so full of happy thoughts that she is managing to flit between the raindrops!

The guard roster was still slightly out of sync following the operations of the last couple of days so I elected to stay in the garden again. That meant we were running on narrower paths so we had to run in single file. Of course, being a gentleman, I allowed my pixie to go ahead... which presented the opportunity for me to enjoy the scenery as I ran!

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