20 - Marcid

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Marcid (Adjective) – Withered; incredibly exhausted. 


Ryker was awoken in the middle of the night by a stinging sensation on his back.

Dismissing it, he tries to fall back asleep. But the stinging only grew.

Stinging to itching, itching to burning, burning to insufferable.

Ryker was now out of bed and ripping off his shirt over his head revealing his bare skin.

He turns in the mirror to see his Dekai mark. It was inflamed, burning red and excruciating.

Ryker knew what was happening, it happened every year, the day before renewal. His body was losing its last drops of magic, the magic that kept him alive.

He was shaking, resisting the urge to call out for help. The pain swamped his body. Targeting every muscle, limb, bone, and nerve. Breaking him down, slowly.

Running to his dresser, Ryker fumbles through his things to find a special potion Azura had given him. It was the only thing that stopped it.

He pops open the lid and throws his head back, downing it.

And finally, finally the pain stopped.

All he could think about was his sister. He prayed she wasn't suffering through the same thing he was. He hated seeing his sister in pain.

Up in Azura's dorm, she slept soundly.

It hadn't hit her yet but don't be fooled, it was bound to happen at any time.


The next morning Ryker rose early. He wanted to check on his sister, to make sure she was okay.

He reaches her door and knocks once, nothing.

He knocks twice, nothing.

He knocks a third and final time and still, nothing.

Where could she be at this hour? It was barely 7. He thought to himself.

Ryker kneels to the ground and places his palms against the hardwood floors. "Invenies Azura"


He knows he's weak, last night would have taken all his remaining magic, but he hopes there's at least a drop of it left.

He tries again. He had to find his sister; she could be in danger.

     "Please work" He whispers to himself. And it does.

A path illuminates in front of him and he follows.


Alexander had surprised Azura this morning by taking her to one of the many towers in the school.

He wanted to show her the sunrise.

The two of them sit on the balcony cuddled up under a blanket as the air still brewed with the nightly breeze.

Azura enjoyed every moment of it, sneaking around, the bright colours that adorned the black skies, and his company.

Although she hated the idea of being forced to spend more time with him, she found him slowly warming up to her.

The two sat in silence, not awkwardly, but peacefully.

Until it hit her.

Like her brother, it started off as a sting, nothing more. However, unlike her brother, she knew right away.

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