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"When we get older, we'll get married and live together in a BIGGGGG mansion!!!''Said Kyoya with a big cheeky smile, as he and Ambrose ran under large arches that had vines and flowers blooming on them.



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"OOOOO a BIGGGGGG mansion with flowers all around it!!!'' Ambrose said, running behind Kyoya, as his cupcake-shaped dress flowed with every step. They ran and ran as their laughs filled the air. Birds and butterflies flying in the wind, bees on flowers, chirping and laughing filled the sky. A place full of life and love.


Just the two of them in their little world, just the two of them together. The two kids ran and ran as the wind blew against them. Through the garden over a bridge that leads into the woods. Darkness soon crept as they ran farther in, passing by plants, mushrooms, and animals as well. Through the woods, they ran into the darkness and fog. Farther and farther, faster and faster, deeper and deeper till the darkness soon faded and light started to shine once again. The sky was seeable, and now it was a beautiful blue mixed with pink and orange.



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Then below the ombre sky rested a lake that contained fish of different colors and water lilies that rested on the top. The two kids ran towards the lake, as familiar with the place. When they reached the edge of the lake, they both lay on the grass, looking into the lake. Well, one of them.

"Look at the new fishes, Kyoya! Miss Carp had babies!!!" Ambrose exclaimed with stars that shone in his eyes, but Kyoya only stared at him. As Ambrose was mesmerized by the babies, Kyoya could only stare at Ambrose with a mesmerizing loving gaze. The way his short white hair caressed his face, his golden eyes shined, his voice as soothing as a melody, and the way his clothes hugged his body. He was perfect, just for him.

"Ya. They're cute." Kyoya said, turning his head to the lake, only to look at his reflection. His ravenette hair couldn't compete with Ambrose's white one. His dark gray couldn't compare to his beautiful glowing yellow. They were completely different but that wouldn't stop him.


As the sun started to fade the night soon took over, glowing butterflies and fireflies started to roam the sky. The two then walked home admiring the way the sky was beautifully lighted. Not so long they arrived back at Ambrose's house to see his two older siblings waiting outside.

"Where have you two been!?-" Memphis exclaimed with their hands on their hips, being cut off by her brother.

"It's dark out you should've been home-" Hermes said, hands crossed.

"By now!" They both shouted together as Ambrose and Kyoya walked up to them.

"Kids don't go shouting at Ambrose. Though I'm not happy with my baby coming home late, let us be happy that he and Kyoya came home safe." Ambrose's mother said with her calming voice. "You kids go shower and come for dinner. It's late and you two should be asleep soon." She said looking at Ambrose waiting for a reply. Ambrose then nodded and dragged Kyoya upstairs to his room.

Time Skip

After dinner, the kids then went back into Ambrose's room and climbed into the bed. They huddled together under the sheets and looked at each other. "Good night Kyoya!" Ambrose said.

"You to-," Kyoya said before getting cut off by Ambrose's light snoring. Kyoya sighed looking at Ambrose's sleeping face. Oh, how he admired him. His peaceful sleeping face sent butterflies in his stomach. He then got comfortable, closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep. Though the only thing on his mind was Ambrose, it was just puppy love.




A/N: So I this prewritten already on a google doc, but chapter one is still in the making soooo, ya. c❤c/ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\

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