~Chapter Five: Mother and "Father" Dearest~

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The afternoon sun shined through the downstairs tall french doors that lit the halls of the l/n estate. Ambrose walked the halls as the sun kissed his pale skin. Calming classical music echoed throughout the house, clashing with the sounds of footsteps. Ambrose has gotten better since the plane and car ride, but he still didn't want to go to school.

Continuing, he walked till he reached the glass greenhouse, filled with flowers and many other plants. Also, the source of the music.



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(This is an example, found from google)

Inside the greenhouse was Ambrose's mother and his father-in-law, Yoshio Ootori. Both enjoyed- tea, snacks, and the music from the gramophone. Hearing the footsteps, Ambrose's mother looked up from her teacup, seeing her child standing underneath the entrance of the greenhouse. Smiling, she spoke,

"Ah! My dear Ambrose, come join us for a cup of tea, and come say hi to your father-in-law!" Her calming enthusiastic voice caught the attention of Mr. Ootori, making him turn to face the entrance. A small smile then appeared on his face, catching the face of his beloved "son". Seeing the smile on Mr. Ootori's face, Ambrose happily skipped over to the table.

Sitting on an open chair, his mother poured him a cup of tea, while his "father" put a strawberry scone on his plate. "Douzo meshiagare (please help yourself)," Mr. Oortori said.

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