Chapter 6

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Day 6

Moments like these. Exactly like these. She had wished to have listened to Jack on how to defend herself. Rose remembered this one time where he tried teaching her how to free herself from the grasp of another human being, or alien, or the one night he showed her how to hide different kinds of weapons around, and inside, the body.

She never listened though. Not because she didn't want to know how to do these stuff, but because the Doctor had taken offense at the fact that Jack implied she would ever be in that kind of danger; and that he would always be there to protect her. Load of shit that was.

So how come the man, the impossible man named Jack Harkness, that had died in the battle of Satellite Five, was standing before her, unharmed and completely alive?

„He wouldn't. But I would." a voice called from behind. Jack winked at her, pointing with his gun.

Rose felt short of breath, her eyes darting from one man to another. She saw Jimmy smile at Jack and lower his weapon.

„She's all yours, mate. I got stuff to deal with." Jimmy said before turning on his heel and leaving the room.

Jack looked at Rose. Rose looked at Jack. Jack smiled. Rose smiled.

And they fell into each other's embrace, with her pressing her head into his chest. Oh, how she'd missed him! After a moment of silence, they pulled away.

„Wait, what are you doing here?" her brows furrowed. „No, better question, how are you-"

„Alive?" Jack laughed. „Let's get you out of here first. I'll explain everything."

He put his hand over the small of her back, leading her out of the building and to a café he recently discovered to be his favourite. They ordered some food, and Rose sighed, taking a bite. She rolled her eyes at the amazing taste, then leaned into her chair, exhausted.

„I've missed you, you know?" Rose said.

Jack smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. „And I you. Where's the Doctor? You shouldn't be here on your own."

„We've been having some problems."

„Did you guys break up?"

„As if." she laughed. „No." she shook her head. „Went on his own. He's...sick."

„Sick? In what way?"

„He contracted this virus and we don't know what it is."

„Now that's a laugh. The Doctor doesn't know. The only thing bigger than his ears is his ego."

Rose raised a brow. Oh, he didn't know.

„What are you looking at me like that for?" Jack made a face.

„What are you doing here, Jack?"

„Could ask you the same thing. That bloke seemed to know you."

Rose nodded. „Jimmy Stone. He kidnapped me."

„Are you okay?!" he stood, now checking her for wounds. „How do you know him?"

„Nevermind that. I didn't take you for a guy to frequent such a place. Well." she sucked air through her teeth. „Actually, I take that back."

„I'm on a mission, Rose. I've detected alien energy around the place. Couldn't keep my hands off it." he sat back down and crossed his arms over the table. „I've kind of...infiltrated their clique to get information out of them."

„I would've assumed..."


„I would've assumed you're here to help these girls. Stop...whatever they are doing there."

Losing it | A Doctor Who Fanfiction | COMPLETE |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora