Chapter 12

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Day 18 (for the Doctor)

Rose held the Doctor's hand as he lay in bed.

How is he?" Jack said from the other side of the line.

After the Doctor collapsed, she took him back to her place, where she tuck him into her bed and brew him a tea, placing it on the nightstand to his right. They had been through this before, only this time it was different. She had no idea where their relationship was going to go after he woke up. If...he woke up.

„Still the same." she replied, stroking his fingers with her thumb.

I should be there. You shouldn't have to go through this alone."

„No. I'm fine. You've got plans anyways. Keep me updated on the status of it?"

„You bet I will."

Jack was on his way back to London to investigate on the situation of the radiation increase and get a new recording. It was her job to accompany him, but Jack had stopped her, knowing she'd rather be by the Doctor's side.

Rose did her best to aid him, pressing cold towels over his forehead and continuously making new tea so they could act like diffusers. She did not know if they worked, but it was hope. And that's all she needed.

She decided to take a shower, but before leaving, she'd arrange the covers over his body one more time, making sure he was safe.

When she slipped off her clothes, she glanced in the bathroom mirror, her eyes following the curves of her body. And then she would think about where he touched her. Even though it was not the Doctor, the proper Doctor, that did so, she could not help but feel disgusted with herself.

Air locked in her throat, and as she silently stared at her reflection, her eyes grew teary. She raised her head upwards in hope that tears would not come out.

A burn made its way up her chest and it squeezed. Her legs gave in, making her fall to the floor. Rose breathed, but the air felt heavy, thick, and impossible to inhale. Dizziness. The whole world turned, the sound of the shower being the only thing keeping her aware. So she concentrated on it, counting numbers as she tapped the floor with her finger.

She felt like she was going to die.

While all of this happened, the Doctor murmured, opening his eyes slightly before falling back asleep. His mouth agape, golden glowing energy escaped.


Rose rummaged through her drawer, picked up some fresh clothes, then pulled them on. It had already been five hours since the incident, and the Doctor was still out.

When Jack would not return her calls, she'd decide to leave for London. She hesitated the decision for a while, hence the place of the radiation was to be found where she had been held captive, but this time she was armed. Maybe not with a gun, but the sonic screwdriver would do.

She hated every second spent on the train to London Bridge, but it was necessary. Her best friend was in danger, or at least she concluded so. Her cell could phone anywhere in the Universe, and he would not pick up. That was a reason to worry, right?

Once outside the vehicle, she took a big breath. Could it have been, however, that the air was different here? As she walked, she noticed her ears ringing and an annoying sting. Was the pressure dissimilar? Was the ghost of Cardiff calling her back home?

Shrugging it off, she'd reach for her phone and try Jack again. Nothing.

The evening was settling in, and Rose realised how much she'd missed this city. And more importantly, her mother. She had to resist the urge of turning the corner towards the Powell Estate, and focused on her mission, sticking a finger in her ear in hopes of fixing the ringing.

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