act ii.    

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Act II.    Agent on the Run

     In a world of guns & blood there's only two options, fight or run. A young man terrified, runs for his life, desperate to leave what was chasing behind him. Every Roof was like a step further to being free, pushing him further apart to those behind him. How did this happen exactly ? well, let's just call it luck.

     After Turning a corner, he reached for his gun, aiming to kill most if not all those assassins. First, Second, Third & Fourth shot later, and there were 2 down, not enough. if he wanted to escape he'd have to Run, but where ? he was now cornered.

“There's no where to go Agent 319 give up”

     He never wanted to go back, but he knew by the end of it, he'd be right back where he started, square one. but in reality, they wouldn't make it that easy again, they couldn't risk loosing their most prized weapon.

Crunched on time and space, he jumped over the yellow fence and into an alleyway, bumping into a guy while running toward's the main street.
    “hey pal, watch where you're going!”
He yelled a short “sorry!” as he kept running, not wasting a minute of his seemingly shortlived freedom. At this point, there was only one place he had ever thought of going, seeing her, again finally after so many years. He snagged a car, not wanting to run as his feet were burning, and his head was pounding, not helping.

     He shoved his foot on the gas, manouvering his way through traffic. they were still on his trail, but for them and him thankfully, not close enough. Left turn, right turn, left, left, then another right, and he was finally at his destination. Exitedly exiting the car, for a second he finally got the time to collect and process his thoughts.
    'what if she hates you?'
'does she still care?'
    'did she forget about me?'
All those thoughts came flooding in, and then came the doubt's. come to think of it he doesn't even know if she's even still alive, and so all that happiness partially turned into sadness and worry. But he somehow got some courage to knock on the door, he waited and waited, then expecting no answer, he walks gloomly off the portch to the car. And then came the unexpected, her.
    “Eliza?” she exclaimed in utter disbelief, seeing that her besfriend who she then thought died, was standing right infront of her.
    “Liz” he replied with a half smile, before he could say anything else, she reached out to hug him.

A moment of silence, then came an outpour of words. both frightened to see each other. Elizabeth knew the Luover's for sometime, being friends with the siblings for years, well in Kristen's case, they were ex lovers.
        'where's Kristen?'        
        'Liz, you told me she was here and-'        
'and she is right here, I have a name you know'
        'and could you stop doing that look it looks weird'

He finally saw her again, after all these years, he was reunited with his sister, both with their memories intact and were finally free.
(or so they thought.)

Once they catch you, you're not coming back, that was the sad reality of the agent on the run.

God Complex
Act ii.
Age of Ultron Counting Up to Civil War
© girlport 2022

Author's Note

So for a little context, Eliza's alias was Agent 319 before it was later changed to red wolf. and this was staged in the past, when they both escaped at an earlier date, but were later caught again shortly after.

Liz is a filler character though :( .... but i'll maybe drop her in a few chapter's here and there.

And Spoiler alert this act is where they meet again.....without trying to kill each other ofc☝😎

and uhm, if i made some mistakes in my grammer etc. etc. Pls do not hesitate to tell me, I'll check this shit a thousand times and not see nothinggg.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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