I Love You

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It's been a couple of months since that blissful night. Knuckles and Shadow haven't told their friends about their relationship even though everyone secretly knows about it. (Blaze accidentally let it slip through her drunken lips). Their friends are happy for them.....even Rouge! "Attention passengers we will be landing in Vancouver shortly please be seated and seatbelts fasten thank you!" Said the pilot on the intercom. Shadow looks out the window of the bright colors of blue, green, purple and pink lights decorating the snow and dark skies. "Wow that's stunning" peach said. "Well that's not half of the beauty of Vancouver. They have stunning mountains, theater, music, heck even art. But the lights we see is how they celebrate the snow sprites that provide them with so much inspiration for its music and art." Knuckles said not looking up from his crossword book. When he looks up everyone even tails was surprised. "Hey I was traveling for a couple years with my brother after college Ive learned a thing or two." He said going back to his crossword.

After the plane landed everyone headed to their cabins to earn a goodnight sleep. Shadow flops face first in his bed feeling the jet leg and since he's a vampire it affects him a bit more. "Ugh! I hope we don't have anything to do tomorrow I just want to sleep....." he groan drifting off. 
Knuckles opens the cabin door and flops on the couch. "I hate flying...." He muttered. Before he drifts off there's a knock at the door. He groans as he gets up and opens the door to see sonic and Mario standing there full of energy. "Hey Knuckles want to join us for some drinks?" Sonic asked with that cocky smile. "No" Knuckles said shutting the door. They knock again and he regretfully opens it again. "What?" He growled. "Well could you at least check on shadow? Katherine was calling him but he's not answering." Mario asked politely. "Ok wait why can't you guy do it?" "Because he's your boo" sonic smiled Mario looked at him and smacked the back of Sonic's head. "You idiot!" He yelled at sonic. Sonic knew what he had done and looks at knuckles flustered face. "Y-you guys know?" He asked nervously. "We all know in fact we found out last month but we all wanted you two to tell us when your ready. Yet someone had to blurt that out" Mario said glaring a sonic. "Look we'll check on shadow you get some rest." Mario said with a smile. "No I'll go check on him I was gonna see if he wanted to watch a movie or something tonight." Knuckles said leaning on the door with his arms crossed looking down. "Ok man" Sonic said as they wave goodbye. Knuckles the door as he pulls out his phone typing in shadows number. His phone goes straight to voicemail so he looked up the cabin he's staying at and puts on his coat.
Shadow hears banging at the door. He groans slowly dragging himself out of his bed. When he opens the door rubbing his tired eyes he sees the blurred shape of red. "Hey rad red~" he flirted knowing it was his mate. "Jet leg?" He asked. Shadow nodded and yawns. "Come in" he mumbled. "I was just making sure your alright because everyone has been calling you. "I turned off my phone" he said drifting off while standing. Knuckles catches the sleeping shadow before he fell on the floor. "Wow vampires really get bad jet leg." He thought carrying shadow back to his bed. He places shadow under the covers and starts to walk away from the bed before shadow grabs his arm and pulls him in. Shadow nuzzles himself in knuckles chest sleeping more peacefully. Knuckles tries to get out of his mate's sleeping grip but failed. "Welp I guess I'm staying..." he muttered getting comfortable and removes his shoes with his free hand. The cherry scent from shadow makes him relax as he drifts off to sleep as well. Outside of the window a pair of glowing purple eyes stares at the sleeping couple.
"So it's true.. Prince Shadow has found his true mate. Even marked him. But that's going to change real soon~" a female laughs.

Shadow wakes up to the cloudy skies with small peaks of sun peeking through. He looks down smiling as sees knuckles arm around his waist. He turns on his phone and sees a shit ton of missed calls and texts yesterday. "Damn knuckles wasn't kidding" A sudden phone call makes shadow jump and drop his phone waking up knuckles in the process. "Damn it sorry didn't mean to wake you!" Shadow said as he grabbed his phone. "Hello?" "ABOUT TIME!" Kat yelled making shadow almost drop the phone again. "Sorry Katherine I had my phone off last night." He hears her sigh. "Is Knuckles with you by any chance he's not answering ether you both need to be at the winter grounds in 30 mins." "Yes he's here I'll tell him" "good!" She hangs up the phone. "Knux come on we need to be at the winter grounds. They both get out of bed and leave the cabin picking up some coffee on the way. When they finally get there Katherine was already talking about something. Her gaze sees them walking in. "Knuckles. Shadow thank you for finally joining us I'll talk to you both about what I said earlier right now I want you all to meet one of our supporters that helped financed your cabin rentals and unlimited meals." She said a Dark Grey hedgehog with red and black streaks, green eyes, wearing a long dark black coat over dark blue jeans and a button down dark red shirt. Shadow spits out his coffee. "UNCLE VLADIMIR?!" He yelled. Knuckles along with the gang all look at shadow surprised. "Hello Nephew." He said in a slight Romanian Irish accent. "What are you doing here?!" Shadow asked hugging his uncle. "Did you forget I own a winter lodge here?" "You never told me you old bat." Shadow smiled. "Uh guess I never took you boys here" he grinned at his nephew flashing his fangs. "Well that's all for today meet back here next weekend by 12. Oh and don't forget about this Saturday." Katherine said dismissing the meeting. "What's this Saturday?" Shadow asked. "Oh well I have invited your friends along with the locals to a party as the northern lights appear." Vladimir said. "Wow I didn't know it was coming so soon." Knuckles said walking up. "It's been awhile Vladimir." He smiled. "Yes it has my boy!" He hugs the red echidna but smells something familiar and let's go. "What?" Knuckles asked confused. He looks at Knuckles closer sniffing him. Then back to shadow who smiles nervously. When his gaze goes back on knuckles his green eyes glow as if he was putting him in a trance but instead he sees the aura and the mark on his shoulder. He backs up and looks at them both again smiling. "You told him didn't you!" He smiled happy for his nephew. Shadow and Knuckles breathe a heavy sigh of relief. "Yes I did" "WONDERFUL! Let me buy you two drinks to celebrate" he said grabbing them both and dragging them to the nearest bar.

Next morning

"Remind me to never drink with your uncle again" Knuckles groan his head throbbing sitting on his couch. "That man can drink a ocean liner full of alcohol before getting buzzed" Shadow laughed giving knuckles some Advil for his headache. "Makes me wish I was a vampire" he said. Shadow goes quiet and looks down. "Did I say something wrong?" "No it's just that I can't turn you but....... Honestly it's not worth it......" "why do you say that?" "Because you become close with people, befriend them, then you watch them die..... and I no longer want that....." Shadow sits next to Knuckles. "There's a spell my uncle found that can make me mortal but only if I find my mate....." he looks up at knuckles. "I want to live a mortal life for the rest of my days actually growing old..... be with my friends...... because when I met all of you I never wanted to lose anything more than ever because you all really changed me and shown me what it's truly like to be alive...." Shadow tears up. "Shadz I had no idea." Knuckles hugs him tight Shadow returning the hug crying. "I'm glad I have you now I won't ever have to suffer alone again" he said gripping him.

"I love you" he whispered for the first time. "I love you too." Knuckles replied.

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