Come Back To Me

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Knuckles hangs up the phone and goes to leave the grounds when suddenly he is thrown against the concrete wall. His body lands in the soft white snow. He slowly gets up and sees a few drops of blood fall from his head. Everyone is frozen in place forced to watch the fight that was about to commence. When he looks up he sees shadow but his eyes were dark and cold. "S-Shadow snap out of it she's controlling you!" Knuckles said slowly getting up. "You will die today and be our wine!" Shadow said flashing his fangs before speeding towards knuckles. Knuckles dodged the attack and elbowed his neck making him fall. "SHADZ ITS ME! IM SORRY I SHOULDVE KNOWN MARIA WOULD DO THIS!" Knuckles pleaded dodging another attack. "He's in my control knuckles he will never listen to you." He sees her smiling and licking her fangs. Knuckles feels his ribs cracking as shadow punches his chest. Knuckles coughs up blood. With His strength he fights back but shadow pins him to the ground punching him mercilessly. He feels his neck cracking, his body weakening and his ribs crushed and stabbing his lungs making him drown in his own blood. He knows he's about to die but he had to break the spell off of shadow. All the hate in his heart melts away knowing that he still loves the hedgehog. "Come back to me please..." With the last bit of strength he grabs shadow by the back of his neck and pulls him in for a deep passionate kiss. Shadow's eyes begin to fade back to normal and closes his eyes returning the kiss. "" Knuckles said with his last breath. Shadow watch as knuckles purple eyes fade to grey and tears start falling from his face. "Knuckles no! What have I done! No! Shadow holds knuckles lifeless bloody body in his arms in tears. "There's only one way..... to save you...." Shadow's fangs grow and sinks them into his loves neck praying he will live. "Shadow what are you doing!" Maria yelled. Shadow ignores her biting deeper to release his venom. Her spell was broken on him but at a terrible price. Everyone is set free but tears fall at the scene in front of them. Maria storms up to shadow but Daisy stabs her with a wooden stake through her heart as she turns to dust. Knuckles body turns colder shadows fangs still in his neck. Sonic Mario and Vladimir burst in after finding a way to escape and stare at the heartbreaking sight. "Knux....." Sonic whispered tearing up. Shadow releases his fangs in tears. He tries again praying a begging.

"Come back to me knuckles please come back to me"

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