1 Year Later

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Shadow lays on the couch in front of the fireplace wondering where the year had gone. So much has changed since that night in Vancouver and wish he could go back in time and change it. "Shadz?" He turns around and smiles as Knuckles walks up with hot cups of blood orange tea. "You ok? You're spacing out again." Knuckles said sipping on the tea. "Just thinking about how this year really flown by." Shadow smiled remembering how much they overcome and would never change it for the world. "I wouldn't doubt that" knuckles laughed showing his fangs. "Though I'm still trying to get use to those blood tablets without them going down my wind pipe" he chuckled "Trust me you'll have eternity to get use to them" Shadow smiled finishing his drink. Knuckles does the same the light of the fire reflecting off his wedding ring. "Happy two months of marriage by the way" Shadow smiled as knuckles rolls his eyes. "Your not gonna count every month we're married are you?" He asked. Shadow pins him down on the couch. "Only until our first year ya Knucklehead. Then I'll be counting the years." He smile kissing his husband. "Good because that will get annoying" knuckles chuckles." "Awww but you love when I annoyed and tease you~" Shadow grinned. "True" knuckles smiled. "But you know I have my limits." He teased. "Well then how about I tease you in a special way~" shadow winked as Knuckles nodded with a chuckle. "So me your worst~" they both burst out laughing shadow letting him go.

"I love you ya knucklehead"

"I love you too ya sexy vampire"

The End

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