Chapter 8

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A/N Yeah cliff hanger. You guys probably wanted to choke me"ψ(`∇')ψ
But oh well, vote ,comment, follow and enjoy~

"Enough..." You said, narrowing your eyes.
"Stop toying with my emotions!!"
You stepped forward, dark flames circled your clenched hands.
Bill began to imerge out of Dipper's body. Dipper immediately swooped in and regained full control of his body again. You rushed over, helping him up. He limped off the stage, before groaning in pain as he rubbed his wounds.
Bill was now in human form, his expression looking as if he wanted to burst into tears.
You could hear him say, 'you really don't remember you?'
'Remember you?! How?! I barely know who I was before I became...this!"
"I...I know this sounds absolutely crazy have to believe's the only-"
Bill was cut off by his own agonizing scream. He held his head as he jerked back and forth, as if he was fighting with something in side his head. He then sprawled across the stage, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. He then slowly rose, as if he was being held by puppet strings.
"Ah~Much better... Don't want to spoil everything do we, Bill?"
You just stood there, confused and surprised about what just happened.
'No! No! I need to tell her, she needs to know, she needs to remember!'
It was no other than Bill's voice.
'(Y/n)! You need to remember! You need to remember...who you were...'
Your eyes widened.
Remember...who you were...

(Human) Bill Cipher x Reader(Elemental Spirit)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum