Chapter 10

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A/N 8k+?!?! Brah. That's INSANE! I thought I was a horrible writer but this?!?! I love you allllll!!! And I'm so sorry for not updating, I'm in Japan! (I've got a lot on my plate) Please follow, vote comment and ENJOY!

You stared at bill, or your lost friend, with wide eyes.
A few droplets of tears ran down your cheeks, and few to the side with the wind. Bill regained his sanity from the demon, slowly standing up. You ran to aid him, catching him in your shaking arms.
You silently weeped in the nook of his shoulder, whispering, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I remember you now."
He flinched at first, but than gently nested you with his warm body.

"This ISN'T over kid."

You shot up, away from Bill. He stood up, as if hanging from puppet strings.
"No..." He said before the demon invaded every human fiber of his body.
A cane appeared at the que of his snap, changing into a sword, pointing towards you.
"You've gotten me mad dear"
He swung his cane straight at you, cutting a few pipes and curtain material in its way. You fliped back, grabbing a fragment of a pipe. He took another swing at you, as you blocked it with the pipe. He grinded towards you, gritting his teeth together.
"Your little friend won't be helping you now my dear~" he cooed in your ear, sending a line of chills down your spine. You knicked him right in the torso, sending him sprawling back, bashed against a wall.
He began to laugh as he sptug up, tackling you. His eyes flashed into a red hatred-filled color as he continued to tackle you. Cold hands wrapped tightly around your neck, as the demon crackled, as the human part of him cried, tears staining his pale skin.
Tears pricked your eyes while you gritted your teeth, straining tourself from hurting him.
The grip on your neck tightened, your hands dropping to your sides. A sharp pain shot through your abdomen.
His cane was impaled into your stomach and you immediately coughed out droplets of blood.
He slowly pulled it out before wiping the blood off of his cane with his glove. He tossed the gloves over the rail for it to drop right below to the ground, far below where Mable kept her show going.
Your vision began to blur as you slowly stood up again. Dipper ran towards the possessed body, but was immediately thrown onto the ground, down the steps.
You took your shaking body and somehow supported yourself to the railing. You breathed heavily, still holding your open wound.
"I'm not giving up on you Bill..." You said in the quietist whisper.
He turned around with a crooked smile, though with tears running down his cheeks with the last of his sanity.
"I'm sorry....I'm sorry..." He repeated in a whisper as quiet as yours.
"Tch. Bill we had a deal didn't we? I would save the girl and I would use you as a vessle. Well, looks like your not cooperating though...its really a pity that I have to eliminate you now..." He said as he lifted his cane to his chest.
"Now I'll leave you to slowly bleed to death, remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold bye~"
Blood dripped from his cane onto his hand as he collapsed onto the ground. The floor began to shake and the platform began to crash, proceeding to fall to the ground. You reached over to Bill, picked up his limp body, and fled the stage. Dipper and the others yelled your names as the whole place began to erupt into small flames before Soos and Stan began to extinguish it, calling out for both of you.
You held your still bloodied wound as you attempted to tie a piece of your pants around Bill's.
Stan took notice of you as you hit the ground with a satisfying sound.
Voices screamed your names while your eyes began to close shut, surrounding every thing in pitch black.

(Human) Bill Cipher x Reader(Elemental Spirit)Where stories live. Discover now